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ships cook Blueberries

shy, sweet, short, Canise girl. an amazing cook. can be very fierce when her family needs it.

3800 PA
3800 PA

What did Reeds see?

by ships cook Blueberries

Reeds laughed delightedly as she ran up to Breeze. Reeds was a shy sweet 18 year old girl with chocolate brown straight hair usually with 5 or 6 mini braids with colorful beads. Pulled up into a ponytail. Today she wore her work clothes, her leaf green tunic and cuffed skinny jeans with jade green tennis shoes. She always wears the jade green peace choker. Her eyes were mismatched sparkling with laughter, her left was a light sky blue and her left a dark forest green. The sky was an endless void of cerulean. The sun shone through the cloudless expanse. Reed's laughter was quickly replaced by a surprised yelp as her foot hit a Crack in the sidewalk, her arms pinwheeling as she tried to regain her balance, it was too late, her balance toppled like a building in an earthquake, the ground rushed up to meet her. Gentle hands shot out and grabbed her shoulders just in time to catch her, she grunted as she supported Reeds full weight. Breeze groaned as she picked up the girl she was supporting by the shoulders and placed her back on her feet, ooof! “Why're you so light?”
Reeds frowned at the question. “Wha-”
Breeze laughed, her eyes sparkling in delight. Breeze rarely took human form, Despite that she was a very beautiful human, wavy dirty blonde hair that was almost brown. Hazel eyes, and freckles on her olive skin. In human form she usually wore a green Hoodie with a wolf face on it. Her body was drowned in the ginormous Hoodie making her look smaller than she was, but she had hidden strength.
“Don't question my weirdness, you looked excited, what did you want to tell me?”
Reeds face brightened at the reminder, “Oh I just met Blueberries mother! She is so cool!”
Breeze raised a skeptical eyebrow, “How so?”
“Well just like Blueberries she's an amazing cook! She can sew, and she's written like three books! All about animal care of course!”
Breeze snickered “did she show you a picture of Blueberries as a Baby?”
Reeds giggled “oh she tried to but she couldn't find her phone.”
Blueberries ran up to the other two wolf sisters, Reeds was describing something excitedly with a very animated face and big hand gestures.
“Hey guys, what are you talking about?”
Breeze turned her eyes shining with delight, “Blueberries your mom is awesome.”
Blueberries frowned “what are you talking about? My mom is dead.”

Blueberries's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Journal Entry’s title
    14 Dec 2023 06:49:13
  2. What did Reeds see?
    3800 PA

The major events and journals in Blueberries's history, from the beginning to today.

Doggo bois!

01:03 pm - 12.12.2023

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Blueberries.