Evan Rosier

Evan Rosier

Evan Rosier has been a Death Eater since the first war against Voldemort. In the summer of 1881, while searching Ireland for Petunia Evans, he began to suspect the identity of Petunia Dursley and set a trap to lure out her household by breaking into her house and covering the entry in silver nitrate laced with a magical poison that would only effect mages. Sure enough, young Harry, a servant in the Dursley house, was effected and lost consciousness from the poison (PS Chap 3). Rosier then set to work to kidnap the boy, using the poison to draw him to the boiler room of the S.S. Arabic as soon as his magic activated. Harry accidentally apparated right to Rosier, who attempted to take him to the cargo hold (PS Chap 3), but was intercepted by Remus Lupin, who was disguised as an officer aboard the same ship in order to frame Vernon Dursley for embezzling (PS Chap 5).
  Finally, Rosier posed as a doctor to inspect Harry and determine once and for all if he was Harry Potter. He reversed the accidental magic cast by Rose Evans on Marge Dursley and used the chance to inspect Harry for magical marks. Upon detecting the lightning scar, Rosier dispelled the guise cast by Dumbledore by biting the triskellion on Harry's wrist, disconnecting it from the lightning scar and flushing Harry's magic with the protective spells. Unknowingly, this activated Harry's seer's eye (PS Chap 4). Remus Lupin removed Harry from the Dursleys and the party was attacked on their way out of town by Rosier, who attempted once more to kidnap Harry. He was defeated and thrown into the river, but not killed (PS Chap 6).
    Rosier later appeared in Diagon Alley (PS Chap 8), where he was defeated by Remus Lupin and arrested by Madam Amelia Bones.


Family Ties

Aligned Organization