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Crystallian Order

A secret order of mages in Gazzarit that recruit new members of the Magakori class. They are shadow brokers of the city, and are rumoured to have connections to the very primal essence of the world itself.


The order has 12 current members, and is rulled by a High-Seer, who uses diviniation to determine the potentional of new recruits or powerfl mages.   Below him are two Lower-Seers, who assist the High-Seer.   The rest are simple followers, powerful in their own ride and high above any other member of the city government, they answer only to the High and Low Seers.

Public Agenda

The Crystalline Order's main objective is to search for powerful magic users amongst the general population of Grazzarit, in order to recruit new members of their caste. They also secretly function as a recruiting arm for the Magorki, but also search for new powerful mages amongst thier own caste to recruit into their order.


Chamber of Crystals: a simple cavern full of magical crystals which unfold the web of time, and can be used to forsee threats and detect the presence of magic. It is hidden within the Chambers of Secrets, and can be accessed by a serious of secret tunnels running throughout the city.   They have large deposits of rare and legendary magical items they horde and keep for their own protection, and every member carries a Crystal of the Mages, a crystal worn around their neck they use to detect magic. When placed upon a regular citizen, the crystal will glow a colour if it detects a form of magic.   Divine Magic causes the crystal to glow gold,   Magical potential will cause the crystal to glow shades of blue,   Natural magic will cause the crystal to grow bright green   Inate magic (most common amongst sorcerers) will cause the crystal to grow bronze   and elemental based magic will cause the crystal to glow red.   From this initial assessment, assessments will be performed to determine how strong the ability of the mage is and their potentional of recruitment for the Magakari.   Their current members are:   High-Seer Altar (706) powerful mage nearing the end of his life, formally a teacher at the Skollaron and advisor in the high castle, he has hidden away in the Chamber of Crystals to commune with the magical powers within.   Lower-Seer Isandria Paelandor (409) good cop   Lower-Seer Frinatir Mascorad: (488) bad Cop   Jacilles Gretimon (519) Smart and sarcastic   Ashkilies Gretimon: (406) brother of Jacillies, playful and commpetitive.   Quillias Corathir: (543) a tall and brawny gentle giant. Quiet but caring   Haelana Petrimir: (399) friendly and welcoming, loves children and helps to ease them in as best as she can.   Dax (40) the only kobold member of the order, builds their tunnels and defences   Wymlyr Olivandir: The face of the order, is of a draconic bloodline and has a scalely left side. He is most often sent into the city itself.   Lussiton (608) a gentle and plesant academic by day, his charisma hides his dark secrets   Elatin Kuvacilles (456) a large and stern lady, can come across as stand-offish   Phissilon Macadopolous (208) a curious and scientific drow with an awkawrd social presence. Is also a teacher in the Skollarkon.


The Organization has its origins in the Second age after the fall of the Shadow Empire. The Drow that fled to Gazzarit began to found their city and create their caste system. As a group of the redundant Gloomling caste, a caste dedicated to exploration, discovered the Chamber of Crystals, they found the powerful magical ability of these crystals had an effect on them. They returned to the city, and began to reform the Magakori, and eventually returned to the cavern to form their order. From here they began to recruit new members of the Magakori, and their purpose was born.   During the mindflayer occupation, they were instrumental in resistance, and lost many of their number in trying to topple the Ilithids. They even tried to transport themselves to Ucothah's plane of existence to defeat him there.

We See

Founding Date
2a, 1279
Secret, Brotherhood
Crystal Brother/Sister
Controlled Territories


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