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Gazzarit is a large, drow city deep in the underdark beneath Gwenydd and Cape County. The City ruled the underdark beneath the territory for eons, their infrequent raids on the surface striking fear into the Kernowian and Gwenyddian population there. Their presence is steeped in legend, with the locals of these areas fearing them and creating bogey-man legends around them. The Black Gazzar is a famous Gwenyddian legend taught to children, about Drow who would kidnap wayward children at night.


The population is 75% Drow, with the remaining 25% being a mixture of other races that have been kidnapped and forced into slavery. The breakdown of the slave population is as follows; 18% Kobolds 18% Kuo-Toa 17% Humans 12% Half-Elf 9% Lizardfolk 7% Deep Gnome 6% Myconid 5% Goblins 2% Deep Dwarves 4% Other


Gazzarit is a Drow city located in the underdark beneath Gwenydd. Formally enslaved by Ucothath, since the mind flayer's overthrow the city has reasserted control. It has turned into a holy city for Lloth, and an autocorrect theocratic state has grown in the ruins of a millenia old monarchy.   The rulership is split into two. the Matriarch rules as head of state, with a collection of Cardinals to act as administrators who enforce the strict caste system of the city. The general releigious ruling is done by the High Temple, who run the religious side of the city.   The City is forced into specifc castes. The Goldlings, The Orelings, The Warlings, The Theyarki, The Vasalarki, the Magarki, The Startarki, and the Slaves.   The Goldlings: Merchants and artisans, the middle class who are considered the most neutral, catering to all the other castes as they require. They run the inns, the shops, the markets stalls and run deals with other underdark residents.   The Orelings: Miners, smiths, and those who work in practical manufactoring. They are responsible for construction and natural resource gathering, and are considered low amongst the castes.   The Warlings: A simple soldier caste, this is the easier caste to join and move out from. Young-Adults of any caste may join the Warlings so long as they pass the military training at the Statorium, and those that perform well or have been part of families serving in the Warlings for three generations are promoted to the officer Stratarki class. They are the general grunts of the army, and are responsible for guarding and patrolling the city.   The Theyarki: Priests and clerics, they run the religious aspect of the city, and are held in high reverence. Formally the second highest caste, they have since usurped the position as most important. Theyarki children are most often born into families, but are occasionally selected by the Eyes of Lloth, a clerical order dedicated to finding the most spirital amongst the population of Gazzarit.   The Vasalarki: Rules and civil servants, they are tradition nobility, and are trained in the Vassalarki Academy. Those who perform well in the educational schools of the city are sometimes selected for examaniations to become a member of the Vassalarki. Unlike other castes, Vassalarki children that were poor performers were often sent to lower castes, usually members of the Goldlings. They run the day-to-day adminsitration of the city, and also run the courts and justice system.   The Magarki: mages, alchemists, and dark peerers into the future. The Magarki are a secretive caste of noble wizards and sorcerers. Most Magarki keep to their small sect of the city, and only interact with high ranking members of the Vassalarki and Theyarki. The illusive Crystallian Order search the city for those children of magical ability, and recruit them into their ranks.   The Stratarki: The officer classes of the city, they are a purely meritocratic class. To be a high ranking member of the Stratarki, you have to prove yourself. Often children born in to Stratarki family are placed within rigourous training from their early ages into order to keep their families prestige. High performing members of the Stratarki can be promoted to the Vassalarki, and those that do not perform are often sent into the Warlings or Goldings.   The Slaves: a large population of the city are slaves, captured citizens from the underdark and surface, who have been forced to work the most menial jobs in the city, serving every caste as their servants and workmen. It is impossible to be freed from being a slave, bar from a supreme order from a high ranking member of the city.


The city is gaurded at its portal rooms by several units of Warlings, Magikari, and Stratokari. The main gatehouse to the underdark is even more heavily defended, with seige equipment and magical traps. Some of these were damaged in the mindflayer invasion, and are awaiting repair.   The Startokari and Warlings are heavily armoured and defended, capable of both effective offence and defence. The numerous traps that can utilised throughout the corridors can be turned on at any time.

Industry & Trade

The insular nature of the drow means trade is rarely done with outsiders. Occasionally clans of other underdark residents will offer slaves or food in exchange for weapons or protection from Gazzarit, but they are rarely permitted entry to the city. The city is entirely self-sustaining, with large agricultural and natural resources development performed by slaves.   Some industrious Goldlings will run exports with other underdark residents, or inscrupulous surface dwellers, and use this wealth to fund their businesses.



The central part of the city, the hub of activity and the crossroads of the castes. Large impressive ancient elven architecture is built into the cave sides, with magical floating lights illuminated the carved out corridors and plazas.   Dream Theatre: A large theatre that utilises Illusion magic to show black-and-white adventure styled films. Managed by the industrious Vorr Thassedon (456), a mustachioed Drow of the Goldlings with a penchant for invention and simple magics, a former member of the Magarki he was kicked out for his explosive experiments.   Spider Web Inn: A middle-end tavern and inn near Plaza Lloraith, has simple sleeping rooms and shisha-styled bars, where people can smoke hallucigenic mushrooms and enjoy a large amount of various drinks brewed from underdark materials. Managed by landlady Haelia Morgazzi (333)   Lloraith Plaza: The large central courtyard of the city, domianted by magical stores and five levels of shops and marketplaces, selling all sorts of goods, tools, and foodstuffs, including many Gazzaritian snacks, such as Spider Taffy. A 30ft statue of the ancient general Lloraith stands in the centre of the plaza, built from obsidian and stone, it has magical properties.   Lloraith Chapel: an impressive coloumned church, run by Mother Hadian (560) a silver haired, large, and joly cleric who runs daily preachings and blessings.   Plaza of Words: a secondary plaza with some secondary shops of higher end stuff. Executions and public trials are conducted here, with large spider statues dominating the plaza. Debates are frequently held here as well.   The High Castle: and impressive lapis lazuli and ruby covered castle of ancient elven origin, its looming towers loom across the Plaza. This is home to the Matriarch and the Vassalarki that govern the city.   Vasalarki Academy: A large unviersity dedicated to training the Vasalarki, teaching them history, politics, philosophy, and basic administration. It is run by Chancellor Daedocrates (730) an elderly male elf who used to be a high ranking lord.   Pereaith Chapel: a modest religious building run by Mother Jara (699) a stern and elderly preistess who escpaed the Mindflayer occupation.   Spider's Axe: a rough inn popular with the Orelings, small and prone to bar brawls it is managed by the portly Gadagi, a fat and one eyed drow.   Serptantine Tavern: A snake themed bar and nightclub, home to exotic music and cocktails, managed by a Yuan-Ti named Ssseskel. A pure snake being who fled his home temple for treason.   Servile Inn: A slaves inn managed by Hadge Mocket, a halfling slave captured from Cadieduewaiu 20 years ago.   The Keep of Secrets: a large and domineering castle built to house the Drider Guard, a secret police of interrogators who find enemies of the states and stray advenuters. Key NPCs are Marshall Scorath and Interagor Drix.  


The secret mages district, the city is emedded with magical wards and traps that are activated by the mages when under attack. This district of the city withstood Mindflayer sieges, and shows some sign of damage. Mages in their robes wonder the district debating magical arts and practicing spells in the Magerium courtyard.   Necromancers Bar: A magical themed bar popular with the Magakari class. impossible to reach for those who are not permitted by the Magakari and their Warling guardsmen. Managed by Eldritch Ez, an ancient and blind Warlock.   House of Portals: a large magically run portal room, where soldiers can launch raids. Maintained and managed by the Portalaliax Guard, a group of powerful mages.   The Chamber of Secrets: a dark series of tunnels were darker spells and summonings are performed. Many Gazzarit citizens hid here during the Mindflayer occupation.   Laborium: a large research centre, managed by Janniel, a powerful woman who is secretive and has allegedly mastered the arts of all schools of magic, and seeks to develop more.   Skollarkion: the mages school, home to numerous accomodation and teaching quaters.   Arboretum: a large greenhouse with an artifical day/night cycle produced by large enchanted globes. Homes to all varities of creatures and plants, managed by the eccentric futures Jos Hammondiel, who is enthusastic about the number of dinosaurs they keep there.


The higher city, this is come to the Theokrati. Dominated by religious study and home to the high temple, where key feasts and ceremonies are held.   Sacred Tavern: A high end tavern managed by Ellisiya Goldling Theakaiel (299), she is a proud but slightly snobbish member of the Goldlings who takes great pride in her tavern and her relationship with the high ranking Theokrati.   High Temple: A seven story temple dedicated to Lloth, it is dominated by its large central alter and lectionaries, where preistesses give sermons and run large intrecate ceremonies. The Orb of Lloth floats in the middle of the temple, speaking secrets to those that pass by.   Hospital: a large hospital of ten stories dedicated to numerous wards, the most common patients are injured Orelings and slaves, alongside Warlings and Stratoki injured in battle.  

Under City

A lower level home to housing, and domianted by the Glow Tree plaza, where circuses and fairs are organized by Xanderans Magical Freak Show, where he purchases slaves capable of impressive feats. This is the most common leisure space for the Goldlings and Orelings. It is also home to most the housing for these populations.   Glow Tree Plaza: an impressive lower market with a clutter of shows and circuses, dominated by a large glowing subterranean tree.   Last Pint Saloon: a western style saloon run by Kobolds for the slave population: Klox (23) manages the inn, and has a friednly and diplomatic way.   Stratorium: MIlitary training academy run by Stratoki Daellia, a dark haired Drow known for her cruel and logical nature.  


The farming district, crops and animals are help in magically created pastures, where a daylight spells and numerous slaves ensure the population of Gazzarit get their food.   Aqua Palza is home to numerous irrigation canals and bridges, with a twilight sky. Wholesalers set up temporary stalls to export their goods to the Goldlings, and a large five tiered fountain lies in is heart.   The Wheatmill: a lower-middle end tavern that welcomes some slaves in their own part of the building. Managed by Haera Krill (400) and her half-elf bastard daughter Daija (38).

Guilds and Factions

Council of Goldlings: a democratic council of Goldlings who meet every month in the Plaza of Words to discuss their pricing and policies. They are a neutral faction, dedicated to the diplomatic running of the city. Their current leader Shaesas, a mild misandrist who lacks charismatic grace and runs the agricultural commission.   Crystallian Order : a secretive of Magakari that search for powerful magic users and recruit them into their ranks. They take children from theri families and train them as powerful spellcasters in the Magerium, and are viewed with suspicion by the Goldling and Oreling classes. They have 12 members currently.   Drider Guard: secret police and inteligence agency, used mainly internally to snuff out slave rebellious and people deemed too dangerous to the state.   The Sisterhood of Restoration: a female only clerical order dedicated to the arts of healing and peace. They are most often found in the numerous chapels around the city, and run the hospital in the upper city.   The Portaliax Guard: a research group of around 300 mages who run the numerous portals found throughout the city, rumours even state they are experimenting with travelling to other planes and dimensions.   The High Inquisition: Similar to the Drider Guard, except they hunt for blasphemous speech and individuals. They are based within the high castle, deep within the dungeons where they torture and punish those they deem as heretical.

Natural Resources

Rich in ores and rare gems, its position above an ancient volcanic lake makes it a hub of obsidian and volcanic rocks. Their access to food is magically produced.
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations

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