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Kernowians are an ancient group of humans from modern day Cape County. An industrious people, they have a close link to the sea and the marshlands. The culture has evovled extensively since emerging in the first age. Initially they were closely related to the Gwenyddian culture, however in the present day they have moved away from their rustic and pagan origins and now have a modern economy and now worship the Goose Religion.   Kernowian culture had its proto-origins during the Mythic age in the Krowrethic empire. The name Kernow came from the Giant word for "little people." They were closely related to the Celtic tribes in modern day Gwenydd. However, unlike the Gwenyddians who maintained marginal independence from the giants, the Kernowians were largely enslaved by their giant masters. Their culture worshipped the celtic pantheon.   During the multiple slave uprisings during the final centuries of the Krowrethic empire the Kernowians were instrumental in causing damage to the Krowrethian heartlands. It wasn't until the final battle of Naarkalon, on contemporary Salian Isle that the Kernowian culture became independent.  


  During the first age, the Kernowians formed a clan based pastoral society. Some permanent settlements were built up around contemporary Saunton, Gurnbourne, and Denly. Outside of this, they mainly lived in small villages along the coastline and interior marshlands. They had consistent conflicts with the Lizardfolk tribes in their marshlands.   During this time, the Kernowians developed primative sailing vessels that were used to raids on rival clans and elven villages in Marcia. As Saunton continued to develop, a proto-kingdom was created as a coaltion of clans. The king of Kernow was elected by a moot in the Old Mound, a spiritual mound dedicated to Morrigan somewhere in the great marsh, but is now lost to the passage of time.   During Soulthek's First War, the Kernowians joined the Western Coalition of Tumbrians, Gwenyddians, Moon Elves, and Albions. Their warriors and fleets were instrumental in driving Soulthek's horde back. They suffered some losses, but following the war they returned to their homeland and began a new process of modernisation and invention.     The second age saw the human cultures begin to fill the void left by the collapsed Elven empires. During this time the, town of Saunton, originally known as Sauntyre, begin to develop into a large city. Other cities such as Carelagg (contemporary Carely) and the mining city of Burrgydd in the northern hills.   During the Marcian Imperial age the Kernowians were keen traders with the Marcian empire, and acted as a buffer state to the Aeedrinarian raids. The Marcians established some colonies on Kernowian territory, informing their culture in new ways, learning new infrastructure techniques such as sewers, aqueducts, viaducts, and saunas. After the empire collapsed, Kernow fell to Gwenydd and many of the Marcian advances were lost. It wasn't until the rise of the Rexian Empire and the Albionic rebellion against Gwenydd that Kernowian culture began to develop again. The arrival of Miskaton and the founding of the Miskatonic also saw a growth in the magical education of Kernowians. Kernowians revered magic, and saw it as a great tool in aiding their culture. Their experiments with magic saw a rise in the number of sorcerers coming from Kernow.   The Third Age saw Kernowian culture begin to centralise and move into towns and cities on mass. Their pastoral heritage was gradually lost as they became traders, alchemists, and weaponsmiths. The prevelance of ore in their homeland meant many Kernowians had some degree of familiarity with smithing, and Kernowian weapons, although simple, were effective.   The Eldiran Empire's conquest took its toll on Kernow, seeing many villages and towns sacked and burned. There was a degree of independence to the local population still garunteed, especially in the lest strategically important settlements. However, in cities like Saunton and Carely, the empire took control of large swathes of industry, installing imperial guilds and governors to ensure the Heartland's prosperity. When this errupted in the Kernowian rebellion, the mainland of Kernow saw much of the fighting. Elements of the ruling and merchant class supported the empire, and in the hills and forests gurellia warfare was raged. Thankfully, the mages of Saunton garunteed the city as a neutral hub and conscripted battle mages from their alumni to ensure the city and univiserity were unscathed, and that neither side could use the city for their advantage.  


Following the rebellion, the Kernowians were forced to undergo Edlrianisation. Their temples were torn down, and conversions to the Goose religion forced upon them. Some temples were repurposed as Goose Churches, including the central cathedral of Saunton. This saw dramatic changes to the style of living and commerce the people would undergo.   The great houses of Kernow were transformed from clan based rulers to fuedal styled lords. The Process of electing a king was abanonded in favour of hereditory succession within the ruling House of Durniss. The economy of the people shifted from barter and trade to an early capitalist model. This saw towns bolster and small pastoral communities wain, as those that were not imprisoned for treason moved to the cities to make their wealth. The traditional language of the people was all but eradicated, as forced education within the new churches and monastries forced the young to learn standard common tongue. As such, the towns and cities changed their names to reflect this. Sewers and major infrastructure were rebuilt and redesigned by the Eldrians, and the people wer gradually subjugated till all notion of rebellion was lost.  

Contemporary Culture

The Kernowians are a hardworking and commercial people. They still maintain their traditions of boatcraft and smithing, and their ores and grains are exported across the empire. They are a calm and collected people, often specialising as fighters and artificers, and the presence of the Miskatonic means many local children become keen wizards. Likewise, the longstanding presence of magic and its useage in Kernow means sorcerers of the wild magic variety are more common than elsewhere in the continent.  


Kernowians are an adaptive people. They've been subjected the might of the Eldrian Empire, and instead of clinging to what they lost they've worked on building a new future for themselves. The Kernowians still have a strong link with magic, and there are many sorcerers to be found from Kernow. The presence of the Miskatonic also means the training of native Wizards is higher than other regions. Since the Eldrianisation process, Kernowians are staunch believers in the Goose God, and there are many clerical orders within their homeland dedicated to it.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Splanna
  • Jenifry
  • Bennath
  • Rosen
  • Tekka
  • Moruith
  • Tamara
  • Guenneret
  • Guenguiu
  • Lowdy
  • Endelyn
  • Emblyn
  • Oncum
  • Medhuil
  • Guenneret
  • Rosenwyn
  • Medguistyl
  • Glanna
  • Masculine names

  • Marh
  • Rugvek
  • Karadok
  • Kytto
  • Keverne
  • Hresman
  • Day
  • Myghal
  • Cinhoedl
  • Lowe
  • Hedyn
  • Casworon
  • Santo
  • Dofagan
  • Mewan
  • Arganbri
  • Cadan
  • Tewdar
  • Carantok
  • Family names

  • Grenville
  • Tremaine
  • Boscowan
  • Libby
  • Pendarves
  • Goldsworthy
  • Pearce
  • Trengrouse
  • Trelawney
  • Cox
  • Roskruge
  • Trewarne
  • Mellin
  • Pender
  • Lawry
  • Nancekivell
  • Mitchell
  • Bennetto
  • Penhale
  • Bosanko
  • Trevorrow
  • Ideals

    Beauty Ideals

    Kernowians are a modern culture. Their ideals are closely linked with that of other western kingdoms and especially the Eldrian Empire. Common men are expected to be muscular and rugged, with short beards common. Hair is expected to be short-medium, with facial hair kept well maintained. Nobleman are likewise expected to be lean, with a focus on swordcraft for those born into privilage. Nobles tend to adopt the fashion of the Eldrian Empire, with complex clothing.   Common kernowian women will often have long hair that is tied back. Older generations will maintain the tradition of ceremonial tattoos, alongside women from rural communities. Urban women tend to avoid this ancient tradition, but do adopt the Eldrian practices of 'classical beauty.' Noble women are expected to wear large ornate dresses and corsets.

    Gender Ideals

    Kernowians are a patriarchal culture, but in terms of their entire history this is a realitively recent practice. For much of their early history, they were an egalitarian society when it came to gender, with women and men both being legally allowed to inherit titles and land. Since the Eldrianisation process, the fundamentalist Eldrian views on gender have been engrained into Kernowian culture, with women no long being able to inherit noble titles.
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