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Salian Isle

The Salian Isle is a small Island on the cost of Cape County, in the Eldrian Empire. The Island is notable for its mining industry and trade links from the towns of Lordsport  and Bridgeley


Mythic Age

During the Mythic Age, Salian Isle was known as Saalach and was home to the city of Naarkolon, and important mining colony of the Krowrethian Empire. The city spanned most the island, and was home to a deep set of mines, the tunnels of which are still used by contemporary miners. Archaelogical evidence suggests Lordsport was the primary residential and commerical district, with the hillslands being the industrial district, and the area around Bridgeley acting as a necropolis. The City was sacked and destroyed by the Kernowian slave revolt, and the battle of Naarkolon saw the lizardfolk population of the city slaguthered in battle and most the impressive stone monuments destroyed by the first Magemaster of Kernow, Hykell, who used a high level of Shatter to collapse the city.  

First Age

During the First age, some human settlers returned to the Salian isle, living a largely nomadic life in the ruins of the city. Not much is known from this, outside of an obscure reference of Par Akwek, a pirate port that had its height in the 2040s and was burned down by a rival clan in the 2110s. Rumours of the last pirate lord Captain Grewellon and his hidden horde of treasures persist.   A hidden community of giants in the ancient mines were slain by a band of adventurers known as The Axe-Lads in 2821.

Second Age

Small scale human settlement and mining returned to the Salian Isle as the kingdom of Kernow began to centralise fully. The town of Twynaan was founded somewhere near Lordsport by the Kernowians. It acted as the adminstrative hub of the Salian clan, whom the Isle was eventually named after. During the Gwenyddian conquest of Kernow, the Salian Isle became largely independent, with the henge of ancients allegdly holding records of the Salian Princes until its destruction by Goose God Fanaticals in the Third Age. Marcian Imperial records record this population as the Saliari, and are known as keen miners and aristans.   Eventually being reincorperated into a reuinted Kernow. Some written records exist in the Miskatonic Library of an elemental portal being opened on the island sometime during Soulthek's Second War. Dark age manuscripts and tapestries from Gosecca discuss the islands importance in the tin and iron trade. Archaelogical evidence of Kernowian swords from the time are stamped with the ancient sigil for the island.   Aedrinarian raids were persititent during this age, with the island briefly being occuped for 45 years by Ysmor Iron-Wrist, before eventually being defeated by Kernowian King Arthek IV. As Kernow began and decades of Aedrinaran raids began to take effect, the population of the island declined, with migrations to the mainland and Marcian being the most common.

Third Age

During the third age, the Awakening was slow to take hold on the island, with its popualtion returning to a traditional pastroal lifestyle and the town of Twynaan becoming largely abandonded and falling into ruin. Mining production eventually took hold on the island again, with groups of mainland humans moving to the island and claiming the hilly interior, forcing native pastorals to the west of the island, where the founded the village of Elroe.   During the Eldrian War of Conquest against Kernow, the Island was largely left untouched, bar a raid on the town of Bridgely. Even when the occupation began, it took at least a decade before the empire could focus on bringing the island into control fully. This started with the Miner's Guild gaining the rights to the local mines. Tynann began to regrow as miners were forced from their homes.   The Kernowian revolt began on the island, when disgruntled miners attacked the Imperial Martial's house in Twynaan before raiding the Miner's Guild and casting the Guildmaster Henry Brewerstone into the sea. When the revolt picked up across the mainland, the Salian population were keen fighters and sailors, defending their island until the end of the rebellion, when Twynaan was sacked by the Duke of Southaxe. Following the rebellion, the Kernowian Purge began, with local culture being repressed and replaced with a process of Eldrianisation.   Amongst other acts of repression, the local druid's circle was imprionsed and Twyannan rebuilt as Lordsport. The henges were dismantled and replaced with Goose God Shrines, and the church of St Galahad was built in Lordsport, with the Yelminican Order building a mission in hills.   Within two generations, Kernowian culture was successfully purged from the Salian Isle, with the majority of the population becoming Goose Worshipers and the House of Laxly being installed as rulers of the island.  


The island is 96% Human n, with the remaining 4% being largely elf and halfling. Reigiously, 99% of the island are Goose Worshippers.  


The Island's economy is centered around its mining industry, with its hills being covered in mining estates ruled by a prominent middle-class. The Town of Lordsport is known for its imports and commerical sector, with its numerous taverns and commerical quater being a favourite for sailors. Fishing is its second most notable sector, with the costal population in the village of Elroe and and the town of Bridgeley being predominately fishing based settlements. There are small amounts of husbandry and agriculture, but this largely for substience and is never exported.  


The culture of the island is largely isolationary, but the Salians are largely known for their friendliess and hardoworking nature. Due to the small size of the island, many families are familiar with each other and will have some form of relation with each other. The arts aren't common, and sport and tavern music being the most notable culture examples of the island.    


The Island can be walked in one day and has numerous geographic features. Largely composed of hilllands there is minimal tree growth outiside of a small collection of woodlands. The island has a scattered population, beining the natural wonders and views are a sight that draws wonder amongst adventuers eyes.   The Salian Woods are a dense collection of trees occcupying the lowlands. Numerous streams flow through the forest, and it is inhabited by numerous magical creatures. The dense tree canopies mean numerous ancient Kernowian ruins still remain, and their are rumours of portals to the Feywild and ancient henges being present. Bandits and Brigands alongside goblins make their home in the forest as well.   On the North of the island, the Puffin wood is the only other dense woodland on the island. Its largely inhabited by birds and wildlife, with a small collection of lumber camps being present.   The Highlands of the island are rich in numerous ores, and their deep tunnels allegly leading to the underdark. The hills can be difficult to traverse, although not being too high they do pose some travelling difficulties. The heart of the hilllands have numerous paved roads running through the mining families's estates which make travel between the north to the south of the island easier.   The coastline is jagged, with numerous cliffs and seaside coves. When there are breaks, large sandy beaches can be found. During the summer period, these are popular with the locals for seaside festivals. The numerous coves are popular with pirates and smugglers, but are known for their beauty and their numerous crystals.   The island is surrounded by Terassic Ocean, a wild and tempremental sea known for its storms and powerful waves. During the Spring and Autumn months, storms are frequent and the coastal settlements are often battered by high waves. The calmest portion of this sea is on the eastern coast where the Carely channel allows for easy access to the mainland.

Fauna & Flora

The island is largely a dry heath, but still hosts numerous flora and fauna. The lack of population in other territories would usuallly pose a risk for travellers, but thankfully the island is largely peaceful with a lack of natural predators.   The flora of the island is contained solely to the Salian and Puffin wood. The trees of these forests are largely ash, elm, oak, and birch. Plant life is colourful, with numerous flowers springing on the edges of the woodlands during the spring. During winter, the island looks jagged and haunting, when the flora dies and the days shorten.   The Fauna is largely friendly, with numerous deer, badgers, hedgehogs, and avians. The island is famous for its puffin population, whith notably roost on the western and northern ends of the island. The coastline is notable for its fish population, with a pod of dolphins passing by Lordsport multiple times a year.

Natural Resources

Salian Isle is rich in numerous ores such as Tin, Copper, and Iron. The coastline attracts multuple fish species and this acts as its second largest export. The limited woodlands mean some lumber is present, but it is rarely extracted. Puffin forest also holds numerous fruits and berries such as apples and blackberries.
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