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Matriarch Zronadil

Matriarch Zronadil Theokrati Adorrithain

Matriarch Zroinadil was the last non-elected ruler of Gazzarit before it became the Drow Republic. Rising to power during the ilithid takeover of the city, in 901, 3e, Zroinadil was the leader of the temple of Lolth and organized upper city resistance and defence against the mind flayer invasion. After the fall of Shuggilbh, Zroinadil became the secular and religious leader of the city until she fled during the battle of Gazzarit.  

Early Life

Zroinadil was born to the Theokrati caste and was raised as a nun in the upper city. Her early life saw her rise the ranks of the Coven of Lolth, becoming one of the Spider Queen's most zealous and orthadox worshippers. In her 250s, Zroinadil transitioned to the priesthood, and in 899 at the age of 599, she became High Pirestess in Gazzarit's history in a unanimous and unoppsed asscension.  

Ilithid Invasion

In 900, 3e, Gazzarit was invaded by the ilithids under the influence of Ucothah. Using their powers of enchantment, the lower and main city fell to their influence and any remaining defence was stamped out. Only the Magakari and Theokrati were left untouched. Matriarch Zronadil became a key figure of resistance and fighting against the mind flayers. Using enforced rationing, she managed to withold a seige on the temple distrcit for a year until Ucothah was destroyed by the Parental Problems Possee.  

Rebuilding Gazzarit

With Ucotah destroyed, Gazzarit was again independent. With most of the Vassalaki class destroyed by the initial invasion, Matriarch Zronadil annoited herself Queen of Gazzarit and began a long rebuilding process and having the government reshaped into a theocracy. With the support of the remaining military and mage castes, the Vassalarki government caste were reduced to serving the religious authority, with enemies purged and imprisoned.   The rebuilding process saw Gazzarit recover from the occupation with relative ease, but numerous rebel cells against the government had formed and been forced underground, which eventually became the Libertaki group. Likewise, powerful Goldlings started to form cabals to earn more power whilst the Matriarch was distracted.  


Unbeknownst to the Matriarch, members of her government had been conspiring to steal Ucothah's power for themselves. This conspiracy slowly saw the military caste dominated by Ucothath's power, and the Matriarch was forced to flee the city as a coup officially began. Those not domianted fled to the castle, where local artificer Vorrandel and Alexios, the head of the Libertaki, formed a coaltion with the Parental Problems Posse to fight the coup.   Following the Battle of Gazzarit and the destruction of Ucothah, the Matriarch had her power taken in abscence, and worship of Lolth was outlawed. An attempted counter-coup tried to take place, but the Lolth supporters and Matriarch were forced to take refuge in Tentside in Palaidcyntaff.  

40 Year War and death

The Matriarch became the defacto leader of the drow exile community, and did form a militia to fight for the Commonwealth during the war. Palaidcyntaff was occupied by the Eldrian empire, and the former Matriarch was killed in the battle.  


Matriarch Zrondiel is regarded as a hero amongst the Gazzaritian exile community, but is largely ignored and forgotten by the history books in Gazzarit itself. Many do remember her brief rule and regard it as a failure. The church of Lolth is long destroyed in Gazzarit, so ultimately her legacy of a new drow theocracy was a complete failure.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a long line of Theokrati, Zronadil was a perfect pupil of the Theokrati ways. She was devout and pious from a young age, only going waywards once when she had an affair with a powerful Vassalki named Percilon. Upon this being discovered, she was punished and turned her back on him, eventually marrying a priest named Cascathorn.   Achieving the title of Matriarch, she was orthadox and traditional, and managed to shield the temple during the Mindflayer attack. Her lover Percilon was killed during this invasion, and her anger led her to overthrowing the Vasslaki and siezing control of the city.


Trained within the high temple, born into a long line of Theokrati who held cardinal positions.


Formally a priestess, then cardinal, and then becoming Matriarch during the Mindflayer occupation before asscending to ruler of Gazzarit following the Mindflayer defeat.

Mental Trauma

The loss and enslavement of her people, leading to a deep fear of outsiders.

Intellectual Characteristics

Smart, cautious, quick to anger


Poor etiquette, heresey, class mobility
300 1036
Circumstances of Death
Sack of Palidcyntaff
Short bob, dark red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Dwarvish, Draconic, Undercommon
Ruled Locations


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