Prime Universe COS-UA

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Beings of power have walked the Earth since before the rise of humankind. Aliens from the furthest stars, “gods'' and “demi-gods” from other realms, and powerful sorcerers have influenced and acted as tormentors and protectors of the fledgling human race throughout its history.   As humankind entered the 18th and 19th centuries the first superhumans emerged, mostly fighting to correct injustices and bring freedom to those who yearned to remove their shackles. As time passed into the 20th century, the number of superhumans exploded around the world bringing those that supported justice and order in conflict with those who would use their powers for selfish or evil designs. Heroes and villains alike would often band together with others to pursue their agendas with heroes overcoming great odds on the vast majority of occasions.   The conflict between good and evil played out on stages as small as a city street and as large as all of reality itself with the Earth saved sometimes by the smallest of margins. Throughout the turn of the millennium superhumans continued to appear with no indication that the trend was slowing down. In fact, the rate of new superhuman and enhanced skilled individual appearances has increased thanks to events such as the Change as well as programs developed by governmental agencies around the world to create their own superpowered agents. As a result of this increase, social and political groups demanded that all superpowered individuals receive training and be held accountable for their actions. This has taken various forms around the world from governmental agencies with laws mandating attendance and registration to voluntary programs such as the Avengers Academy, the Circle and many others.