Kershek 10.0

Kershek 10.0 (a.k.a. Ape-X, Ape of the Future)

Text from Prowlers & Paragons Ultimate Edition by Leonard A. Pimentel, et. al.   Ape-X, Ape of the Future, will be born into slavery some 150 years from now. Our future is his past. By the time Kershek 10.0 was born, the science of genetic manipulation had advanced to the point that animals were the dominant source of cheap disposable labor. Genetically engineered creatures were given jobs too dangerous, difficult, or dull for human hands. But nature can be unpredictable. Although Kershek was only supposed to be smart enough to follow simple verbal commands, he would become one of the greatest minds the world had ever known. He would also grow to hate humanity for enslaving his people. Kershek’s Revolt began sometime after his twelfth birthday. The war was long and costly, but in the end the animals prevailed, and Kershek became Ape-X, Primate Minister of Earth. Under his leadership, the animals flourished while humanity was enslaved. However, this did not sit well with many of Ape-X’s followers. The rebels never wanted to be oppressors; they wanted to be free. But the Primate Minister would tolerate no dissent, and those in favor of freeing the humans were shown no mercy. That was Ape-X’s undoing. His people had just shaken off one master; they weren’t about to accept another. To save himself from the rebels that were storming his palace, Ape-X was forced to flee into the past, into our time. He now seeks to return to his own time and make those traitors pay, but that means rebuilding his time-shunting equipment—not an easy task in this primitive era, but time is on his side.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Kershek wears a bodysuit made from a lightweight material that provides excellent protection from physical and energy weapons.

Personality Characteristics


Kershek seeks revenge on the rebellion he once led.

Likes & Dislikes

Hatred of humans.
Current Status
Seeking to return to his time and enact revenge on those who betrayed him.
Current Location
Date of Birth
150 years in the future
Circumstances of Birth
Genetically created for manual labor, became ultra-intelligent unexpectedly.
Left brown, right cybernetic attachment
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Brown
550 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
“It’s almost sad, watching you rail against me, incapable of understanding how outmatched you are, how you never stood a chance.”


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