Session 20: Gorilla Guerillas Report

General Summary

Issue #14

Gorilla Guerillas

  After the heroes rescued the Professors Heron and party (Session 19: The Great Esc-Ape Report) from the clutches of Kershek 10.0 and his minions, Nicolette Fury asked them to return to the gorillas' camp and capture Kershek and bring him to justice. Dark Hawk joins the team via his portal ring after he finishes up his work for Dr. Rishima Doshi. Angel volunteers to take the captured poachers to the local authorities for processing and official charging of criminal offenses.   Stealthily, the heroes approach the site of the villain's camp only to find it completely deserted. Every bit of equipment has also been removed and the only thing the heroes find is a copy of the National Science Review opened to an article on Dr. Doshi and her work. Zoetrope, using their alternate universe powers, is able to see a close alternate universe where Kershek and his lieutenant discuss creating a "time shunt" to take them back to their own future.   Hearing this, the heroes head back to protect Dr. Doshi, but she doesn't believe that her work would allow for time travel. Wanting to cover their bases, the heroes ask what other scientists might be experts in time travel. The list is not very long: Dr. Reed Richards, Dr. McQuark, and Tymon Mazurich, a.k.a. Timemaster II. Hope contacts her mother to find out if she know where Timemaster I is, but she informs her that she hasn't heard from him in years. However, Captain America I let's her know that his earlier incarnation (Tymon Mazurich) is currently incarcerated at Stronghold.   Seeing the possibility for attacks against any of these individuals, the team splits up. Dark Hawk heads to the Baxter Building to meet with Reed Richards. Zoetrope and Plastiq head to New Jersey to meet with Dr. McQuark. Hope takes a Quinjet to New Mexico to talk with Tymon Mazurich in Stronghold.   Dark Hawk meets Susan Storm, a.k.a. Invisible Woman, who escorts him in to see Reed Richards who is working on building a massive device that Ben Grimm, a.k.a. the Thing, is currently holding up on his back. When Dark Hawk explains the situation, Reed, and Ben, assure him that should a group of advanced gorilla guerillas would not stand a chance against the defenses of the Baxter Building and the Fantastic Four. Richards, however, does inform Dark Hawk that there is another person with knowledge of temporal mechanics with a working time machine of his own: Dr. Victor Von Doom. Richards thinks it is highly unlikely that any intelligent being would attempt to steal Dr. Doom's time platform. Afterwards, Dark Hawk teleports to Hope at Stronghold.   Zoetrope and Plastiq, manage to get the keys to the "Mystery Machine" and head towards New Jersey to warn Dr. McQuark.   Hope arrives at Stronghold and is joined shortly by Dark Hawk and they are met by the Warden who takes them into see Tymon Mazurich. Mazurich tells the heroes that his time travelling technology was built into his battle suit, which is currently being held in the PRIMUS "Cold Storage". He also tells the heroes what he knows about Kershek 10.0. He was a slave, like many other animals, created by humans to be a cheap workforce trained to do the tedious or dangerous jobs that humans did not want to do. He led a revolution and overthrew the humans, and then enslaved them. Members of Kershek's rebellion did not want to trade one tyrant for another and they overthrew their once leader who escaped into the past along with a small handful of his loyal followers. Kershek wants to return to his own time, regain his position as Primate Minister of Earth and exact his revenge on those who rose up against him. Hope contacts the other members of the team and tells them to meet at the PRIMUS Cold Storage facility. She also has Thomas contact PRIMUS ahead of time to let them know they are on the way.   The heroes arrive at the facility and are met by a PRIMUS agent who escorts them in. Hope's mystical sense, however, detects magic on the agent and it is quickly revealed that he is using a Mystech device to disguise that he is actually one of Kershek's minions. The ruse discovered, the heroes are attacked by the ape hordes. Plastiq and her illusionary double, courtesy of Zoetrope, along with Dark Hawk split off to find Timemaster II's battle armor and find Kershek near its cataloged location. The heroes engage the massive Ape-X while the other heroes take on the horde. Kershek blasts Plastiq's double, damaging a container behind her and activating the device inside. The warehouse is filled with a projection of the aurora borealis which is quite spectacular. While the fight is massive, the heroes manage to defeat the horde and force Kershek to use his teleportation device to escape capture. Interrogating the abandonded minions, they confirm what Tymon Mazurich told Hope and Zoetrope about Kershek's plans to return to the future to regain power.

Rewards Granted

EXP: 5

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

PRIMUS Cold Storage Aurora Borealis projector


Thomas had to retrieve the Mystery Machine when Zoetrope and Plastiq left it to teleport to the PRIMUS Cold Storage facility.

Kershek 10.0 (a.k.a. Ape-X)

Timemaster II's Armor
Archer and the Schizos
Zoetrope Alexandria & Alexander
Hope Rogers
Asra Cortez
Cady Heron
Report Date
30 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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