Session 10: Road Trip: Starfall Report

General Summary

The morning after the rave, and after Eddie and Tomaso attend mass, the heroes hit the road heading towards the Lincoln National Forest in New Mexico to meet with the mysterious contact who will deliver the item that Dean Warner asked the heroes to pick up. During the trip, Cady works out the path the meteor that Alex saw the night before must have taken and estimates where it may have impacted. Not long after that, the heroes get a call from Captain America to go check out the very same meteor as it is suspected that it may have been involved in the recent collision on the far side of the moon. It turns out that Cady's calculations were nearly spot on.   As the heroes arrive at the crash site and find two, spherical meteorites glowing with a strange blue energy. The sensors in the van are unable to detect what kind of energy it is and the computer advises caution. Dark Hawk places a force field between the heroes and the spheres While they determine what action to take. There are also indications that there was another orb that was moved by a snake into a flowing creek nearby.   Just then, Lady Power and 10 armored agents teleport in at the edge of the crater and gives the order to secure the meteorites while she takes on the heroes. A fight ensues with the heroes using Zoetrope's knowledge of Lady Power to get past her defenses. Plastiq and Angel take out the agents and Archer is surprised when her dog Hé-no stops the van from running into Archer by biting the bumper.   With her agents defeated, Lady Power sees she is outmatched and teleports away.   Once she retreats, the heroes get closer to the meteorites to examine it. The closer they get, the more they feel the headache they were experiencing when they arrived. Dark Hawk and Archer hear voices of an unknown language and they both sense that the spheres are emitting eldritch magic, a type of magic that predates life on earth. The other heroes are curious about the voices so Dark Hawk shares what they are hearing with telepathy. As he does, Plastiq, Angel and Ghostface all seem to fall into a trance and start moving towards the orbs not of their own accord. Dark Hawk stops sharing via telepathy and the three heroes snap out of it.   Shortly afterwards, Agents Knuck and Futz of PRIMUS arrive. They collect the orbs, causing the headaches to disappear once they are secured in a special transport container. The heroes give their statements.   Shaken slightly, the heroes then continue on their way to New Mexico.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Lady Power
  • Agent Knuck
  • Agent Futz

Archer and the Schizos
Angel Of Decay
Zoetrope Alexandria & Alexander
Eddie Bora
Hope Rogers
Asra Cortez
Cady Heron
Report Date
31 May 2023


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