Angel Of Decay

Angel Of Decay

Angel's first memory is that of spreading. It could feel long strands of food passing electricity, and it discovered that it could pass electricity too. The strands of delicious food were just like its own body, long hyphae spread through less tasty tissues. For days, maybe weeks it spread, gobbling up the delicious tissue and leaving all the other tissue for later, until it came across a massive bundle of tissue. As it devoured this huge mass it started to feel more than hunger. Fear? Pain? Pain so intense it almost stopped eating.   It opened it's new eyes and looked around his room. Covered in sheets soaked in sweat. He knew how to stand up, how to go to the bathroom, what a mirror was, but not who he was, or where. Mike had been using Angel to walk and talk and eat, so it knew these things, but when Angel absorbed his brain's nutrients, Michael had not been thinking of all the details of his life.   His life. Oh no. What had Angel done?   Angel of Decay is the parasitic fungal infection that has taken over Michael O'Neal. It understands the language and mostly how to operate the human body, but it tries to avoid prolonged discussion of any detailed topics as it lacks in depth memories from before it took over Mike. As he has recently discovered he is in college, Mike is trying to learn as much math, science and literature as he can, so it is common to see him in his dorm reading with YouTube videos trying to explain simple topics playing in the background.   In public he almost always has headphones on, listening to audiobooks or podcasts.

Fungal infection that has taken over Michael O'Neal

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