Session 13: The Otherworld Conspiracy: Rhymes of Treachery Report

General Summary

Archer and the Schizos

Issue #8

The Otherworld Conspiracy Pt. 2: Rhymes of Treachery

  Marian, the elderly Elven librarian, mentions to Hope that there was another book about Orichalcum that she has not been able to find. However, when she checked the records, it was Hope's mother who had checked the book out last and never returned it. When Hpe checks in with her mom, she knows nothing about it.   When Hope calls home, Sabrina and Steve invite the heroes over for a late dinner. Hope leads them to the Crystal Castle and they are met by her parents and lead to the dining room where a large chacueterie board waits for them. The heroes and their hosts have a pleasant conversation over dinner where the heroes experience fine meats, cheeses, wine, beer and juices. Steve and Cady have a spirited discussion about democracy and how it applies to Otherworld which Steve explains that much has been changing since he and Sabrina moved to Avalon. The evening passes and Sabrina and Steve make sure everyone gets enough to eat and drink. However, the heroes still have some research to do at the library so they head back that direction.  
On the way back, the heroes stop when they hear a dreadful laughing; a being, speaking in rhymes that they spot perched on top of a lamppost - the demon Etrigan! The demon attacks the heroes, revealing he is doing so under orders but he does not reveal who. The fight is fierce, but short as he is managed to be immobilized. During questioning, he reveals very little but is suddenly whisked away by a teleportation spell just as a large contingent of guards approach. Steve, in his Captain America uniform, arrives just before the guards having been called and warned the heroes were in danger.     The guards arrive and inform Steve that he and the heroes are under arrest for conspiracy in regard to the events of the Change. They also inform them that Merlinia is also being arrested after evidence was presented to the King that she was involved in the creation of the device that caused the Mystic Explosion. The heroes notice that some of the guards, specifically the captain, are acting a little strange.   Cap suggests getting to the library. However, Angel makes a dash for the portal back to New York. As they approach, Marian lets them in and Cap uses his shield to lock the door. Dark Hawk grabs the Captain of the guard and teleports him to the library where Hope uses her magic to bring him out of the trance someone put him in. The last thing he can clearly remember is being summoned to Merlin’s chambers. Miriam tells them that there is a secret passage out of the library and Cap tells the heroes to get the the territory of the Orcs and to have them take them to the Dragonlands. Steve and the Captain of the guard will stay behind to hold back the guards to give the heroes time to escape. The heroes use the passage and make their way to the territory of the Orcs.   Using Hope's knowledge of Otherworld, and Dark Hawk's ability to transform into a dragon, the heroes fly to the Orc village where they are met by the leader of the tribe riding his war warg and surrounded by his warriors. When the heroes tell him why they are there he says that one of their group must face the toughest Orc warrior, Bordek, to be worthy of the assistance of the Orcs. Dark Hawk accepts the challenge and the battle begins. Dark Hawk finds Bordek a tough opponent but manages to overcome him and the heroes are welcomed into the Orc village.   The Orc village is not quite what the heroes expected with modern amenities along with traditional Orc architecture. There's even a B-and-B. The Orcs, startled at the revelation that Captain America and Merlinia have been arrested, they immediately offer to wage war on Avalon to free them. The heroes manage to talk them out of it and simply ask for a guide to the Dragonlands. Bordek volunteers and they will leave in the morning.   At the portal, Angel listens to the crowd gathered there waiting for it to re-open since it was shut down to prevent the heroes from escaping back to Earth. Angel learns that most of the people are shocked and that very little information about the charges against the heroes. Angel uses his spore abilities to rile up the people waiting to return home and those residents in the area and soon, a riot erupts.   The next morning, the heroes and Bordek set out to the Dragonlands on Dark Hawk's back once he transforms into a dragon again. Deciding that it would be too risky to fly into Dragonlands airspace, they land a few miles away and go the rest of the way on foot. They are met at the border by two dragonkind guards who notify someone of the heroes' arrival. Shortly after that, a wizard appears who tells the heroes he will take them before the Dragon Council.

Rewards Granted


Character(s) interacted with

  • Bordek, the Orc Champion
  • Marian, the librarian
  • Merlinia
  • Captain America II
  • Captain of the Camelot guard

Created Content

  • Orc B-and-B
Archer and the Schizos
Angel Of Decay
Hope Rogers
Asra Cortez
Cady Heron
Report Date
06 Sep 2023
Primary Location


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