Session 17: The Enemy Within Report

General Summary

Issue #12

The Enemy Within

Asra makes a date with Dawn Blackman (see issue #11) to have coffee at Ground Central Station, a date he hopes will be private, but as he pretty much anticipated other members of the team just "happen" to be there at the time. Dawn arrives and she and Asra settle in at a "private" table. They chat a little while, still trying to figure out why it seems that they are familiar to one another without, apparently, never having met. The two decide to go for a walk, but just as they are about to leave the allegedly missing Dr. Tomlinson (see issue #6) walks into the coffee shop with a colleague. Almost immediately Asra feels a bad headache begin, as does Alex. Hope enters at that time and also starts feeling the same headache. Oddly, so does Dawn. Asra escorts Dawn from the shop, suggesting they stop by the corner drug store for some aspirin. Hope talks to Dr. Tomlinson asking him if he has checked in with Dean Warner. His answers seem odd, perhaps even a little delayed. Meanwhile, Alex uses their power to examine Dr. Tomlinson's "alters", seeing that most of them have some strange creature living inside him. Cady detects multiple heart beats synchronized inside Tomlinson's body. After this information is shared, Asra makes his excuses to Dawn and rushes back to meet the team who decide to follow Tomlinson while Hope, and Dark Hawk go to meet and warn Dean Warner.   Meanwhile, Plastiq, Zoetrope and Angel follow "Tomlinson" after he and his colleague leave the shop. The colleague, Prefessor Oswald Oakes, mentions something about letting Tomlinson seeing the "artifact" before going his own way. Tomlinson goes the opposite direction and turns down an alley, disposing of his untasted coffee he had been carrying. As they follow him into the alley, a darkness grows until nothing can be seen. Plastiq and Zoetrope are not affected but Angel is. Via telepathy, Tomlinson warns the heroes not to follow him before he descends into the sewers. Zoetrope uses the teleportation ring and teleports to meet with Hope and Dark Hawk.   Hope and Dark Hawk meet with Dean Warner asking him if he has a meeting with Dr. Tomlinson, which he confirms he does have one. They persuade him not to meet with Tomlinson. When Zoetrope arrives, they mention the artifact and the heroes ask if they can further investigate it. Dean Warner escorts the heroes over to Professor Oakes' office where an intern takes them to the lab where the artifact is. Professor Oakes shows up and demands an explanation but the Dean puts him in his place. The artifact is a stone tablet with strange beings worshipping an alien figure in the center. In one corner of the tablet is the carving of an eye that triggers a reaction in Dark Hawk who suddenly remembers more of the vision he's been having. The eye matches the eye of the god like being who ordered him to "go", but there is more to the vision. Unfortunately, he comes back to reality before he can explore the vision more. The heroes decide to err on the side of caution and go to Salem, Massachusetts, specifically to Dr. Fate's tower. They give the tablet to Inza, since Dr. Fate is currently out of this dimension, and she secures it in a lock box. The heroes then head back to New York to meet up with the rest of the team to go after Tomlinson in the sewers.   Descending into the sewer tunnels, the heroes are able to follow Tomlinson's trail. Along the way they discover a pile of flesh that sloughed off of Tomlinson who must have transformed into the being that Zoetrope saw in their "alter" viewing. Further along, they find signs of a struggle. Finally, they come across a large opening where the creature that Tomlinson has turned into, an Ithul, is about to devour a maintenance man's brain. Several creatures, brains with four legs, are in the area. The heroes manage to rescue the maintenance man, with Angel sending him to safely through a portal. Tomlinson reveals that the Ithul want to destroy the Lords of Order, including Dr. Fate and re form their supremacy over all other sentient beings in the universe. The heroes manage to defeat Tomlinson with Dark Hawk delivering the killing blow. They manage to capture two of the brain creatures, turning one over to Dr. Fate and the other to UNTIL.   As the heroes leave the sewers, Dawn Blackman arrives. She is sporting a pair of wings looking like the alter that Zoetrope saw. She asks Dark Hawk what he remembers in his memory because she had the same one and he was in it. Seeing Dawn this way helps him to remember that she was in his vision. She reveals the name she goes by is Night Wing.

Rewards Granted

EXP: 5

Character(s) interacted with

  • Inza Nelson
  • Professor Oakes
  • Dr. Tomlinson
  • Dawn Blackman/Night Wing


Dawn Blackman/Nightwing

Dean Warner
Archer and the Schizos
Angel Of Decay
Zoetrope Alexandria & Alexander
Hope Rogers
Asra Cortez
Cady Heron
Report Date
12 Oct 2023
Primary Location


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