Session 18: Too Many Counts to Count Report

General Summary

Archer and the Schizos

Halloween Special

Asra, Hope, Cady and Michael have all been invited to a Halloween party on the Saturday before the actual date by Gerard Kennedy III, a rather spoiled young man with a large house. Alex arranged for the invitations so the heroes went. The announced theme was Hollywood Movies. Asra goes as Morpheus from The Matrix and Dawn accompanies him as Trinity, Hope and Thomas go as Robin Hood and Sir Guy of Gisbourne, Cady goes as Elvira, Mistress of the Dark with Janis as Robert De Niro from Taxi Driver, and Michael dresses as Dracula accompanied by Joina. The party is in full swing when they arrive and they are greeted by Gerard who is dressed as Tom Cruise from Top Gun, who invites them all to partake in the free booze and food. Alex, however, is nowhere to be found. Most of the guests are fully indulging themselves, some sneaking off to the bushes or other secluded space or dancing to the mix the DJ is playing. Many people comment on how good the costumes the heroes chose, especially Cady's and Micheal's. One guest points out that although Michael's is good, there is another Dracula that is amazing. They point him out and the person looks exactly like Bela Lugosi, in black and white like he just stepped off the screen of the classic film. Cady notices "Bela" gestures his classic hand pose and stares at one of the female guests who then appears to walk towards Bela as if in a hypnotic trance and then follows the "vampire" into the bushes. Cady follows and finds the girl and Bela who is about to bite her when Cady interrupts, sending Bela fleeing into the underbrush. Cady escorts the girl back to the party. She seems fine but barely remembers being in the trance but thinks it was awesome!   Cady informs the rest of the team to keep an eye out for this "Bela". Hope sees a man in top hat and tails, possibly trying to be Fred Astaire, paying attention to the location where "Bela" entranced the young lady to come with him into the shrubbery. Before Hope can confront the man, he heads into the bushes as well. Cady follows and finds the top hat man talking to "Bela" and telling him to get back out to the party and do what he's supposed to. Bela goes off in one direction and the top hatted man returns the way he came. Cady tells the rest of the team to keep an eye out. Asra and Dawn decide to "stake out the bushes", you know, just in case he comes back there. Soon "Bela" appears and tries to mesmerize another girl. Hope tries to determine if he or the top hat man are magical in nature, but they don't appear to be. Cady rushes in but is mesmerized herself, only being saved by the crosses on her collar. As the heroes move in on "Bela", the vampire turns into a giant bat and flies away. Unfortunately for him, he flies to where Asra and Dawn are. Asra keeps the vampire from escaping and defeats him. As his body hits the ground, his a section of his head opens and a receipt rolls out offering congratulations on defeating Dracula (Bela Lugosi) and offering a 25% discount on the next rental of a Celebralike. The man in the top hat reactivates the, apparent, android and it goes to the front of the property along with the top hat man. Michael goes out to the front yard and sees the Bela-droid wait for a short time before it is "beamed up". The top hat man looks at his tablet and locates the next party and hails an Uber to go to that party. The heroes make their excuses and go to that next location, but not before Cady is awarded a trophy for best costume.   The next party is not unlike the one the heroes just left, full of partying college students with plenty of food and booze, although the new party also included a pool. As they arrive, they see a young man stumbling out of the shrubbery, a little pale and wobbly. When they question him, he relates a similar experience to the other party although this time the vampire actually bit him. Upon examining him, there are two bandages on his neck that cover up two small fang wounds. Looking around, they spot another Count Dracula, but this one is Christopher Lee. They also spot someone who looks exactly like Ingrid Pitt. Both she and "Dracula" have mesmerized a girl and are heading into the house. Cady and Michael head towards the house to save the girls, but at that moment there are screams coming from the pool. Hope and Asra rush there in time to see the Gill-man (the Creature From the Black Lagoon) crawl out of the pool and begin trashing the pool furniture and going after the guests. Hope and Asra manage to entrap the Creature with some effort. As with the Bela Lugosi droid, the Creature also spits out a congratulations letter with a coupon for a future rental. However, the top hat man seems upset that the heroes have ruined the experiences of the guests. He explains that he is the Producer's assistant Dan and that all of these lookalikes are from Celebralikes, a business that creates and rents celebrity and character androids that look and act exactly as the original. The person throwing this party rented all four androids.   Cady rushes up the stairs in the house to stop Dracula and Carmilla. As Angel enters the house, he is attacked by Frankenstein's Monster. Cady manages to stop Dracula by tossing him over the stairs and then goes to stop Carmilla. Angel and the monster trade blows but the creature accidentally smashes a shelf and its contents, which makes him stop. Hearing the destruction, Dan goes inside and admonishes Frankenstein's monster and tells him to go out front to wait for pick up. When the young man throwing the party sees the destroyed shelf, he screams that his parents are going to kill him. Dan immediately writes out a check for the damages and apologizes for the inconvenience. Cady, meanwhile, knocks Carmilla out of the window although the young woman entranced by the Ingrid Pitt-droid seems disappointed as does Dracula's "victim".   Dan explains that the androids are programmed not to be able to injure human beings and can be rented for any purpose desired. He gives his card to the heroes then meets the androids in front of the house where they are all beamed up. The two "victims" rescued from Dracula and Carmilla ask about their "captors" and are disappointed that they have left.   The heroes return to the first party to pick up the roommates and then decide to go on to the next party they believe Alex is at, hoping they will actually be there when the heroes arrive.

Rewards Granted

EXP: 3 Level Cap Increased

Character(s) interacted with

  • Dan

Created Content

Celebralikes - Provide celebrity and character androids that act just like the real thing for parties and other engagements. Created by The Producer.

Dracula (Bela Lugosi)

Dracula (Christopher Lee)

Frankenstein's Monster

Gill-man (Creature From the Black Lagoon)

Carmilla (Ingrid Pitt)

Archer and the Schizos
Angel Of Decay
Hope Rogers
Asra Cortez
Cady Heron
Report Date
02 Nov 2023
Primary Location


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