Session 2: The Intrepid Explorer Report

General Summary

Issue #3: The Intrepid Explorer

Asra Cortez makes a coffee date with the new student, Kurian (Sankaran as he finds out), at Ground Central Station. Before that, however, he plans to meet with Dr. Rishima Doshi (formerly Professor Spectre) as Dark Hawk to perhaps find a way for him to return to the Umbral. Dr. Doshi is more than happy to help a member of the team of heroes that saved her. She takes several readings, and asks many questions, finding herself fascinated by the challenge.   After the consultation Asra shifts into his human guise and is about to leave the science building when he spies Dr. Doshi entering the building after having just left her upstairs in her lab. Asra turns around and follows the Doshi double and reads her mind, finding out it is someone disguising themselves as Dr. Doshi and is after her research. He engages her in casual conversation becoming more and more convinced that she is not the actual Dr. Doshi. He surreptitiously calls the rest of the team who arrive in short order. By then, the fake Doshi throws a device that fills the hallway with smoke. Asra changes into Dark Hawk as Archer, Angel, Shrike, Plastiq and Ghostface arrive. The fake Doshi drops the disguise, created by some sort of device, and manages to hold off the heroes with a variety of other strange devices long enough to get into the lab. Once inside, he makes an attempt to capture Dr. Doshi but is quickly taken out by the heroes. During the fight, a device on the criminal's arm is smashed and the heroes find several other odd-looking devices that don't seem to have any design aesthetics in common. The villain, Ilijah Intrepid, is taken to the hospital to recover from his injuries.   Later, at the Circle, Wanda gives Shrike some information about the past others like himself and his sister.   After Angel returns home, someone arrives at his door. The caller is, apparently, one of Michael's friends who greets him with "Mikey! Long time, no see!"

Character(s) interacted with

  • Ilijah Intrepid
  • Kurian Sankaran
  • Dr. Doshi

Archer and the Schizos
Angel Of Decay
Ken Watts
Zoetrope Alexandria & Alexander
Eddie Bora
Hope Rogers
Asra Cortez
Cady Heron
Shawn Snow
Report Date
16 Feb 2023
Primary Location


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