Session 9: Road Trip: Rave Haunt Report

General Summary

Archer and the Schizos

Issue #4

Road Trip: Rave Haunt

  The heroes arrive at the McDonald Observatory in western Texas to attend the public viewing event. There are displays, amateur telescopes, and the main telescope as well. As a gift, the heroes arrange for a special VIP tour for Asra while Ken goes on a trip to get some picnic supplies.   Hope runs into a young man, Andrew Haining, who she met while he was at the Avengers' Academy getting help from Merlinia to control his mystical powers. He and a group of his friends from college are also on a road trip and attending the event. He introduces each of them to Hope and the rest of the team.   Hope, Cady, Alex and Michael go on a general tour along with Andrew, C.C., Kimberly and Jean. Cady and Kimberly are able to keep up with the tour guide, even on complex topics. Unknown to anyone, Alex creates a back door into the observatory's computers so Cady can access them to get real-time data.   After the tour, Steven suggests going to a rave that's happening just a few miles away. No one seems interested, however he manages to talk Eddie into going and the two of them take the van to the rave. There is a fairly large crowd all dancing and drinking, among other activities. Tomasino is thrilled there is so much "booze and broads". Eddie spots a bottle of gin on the table that seems to have a faint ghostly glow about it. Tomasino is oddly hesitant and tries to talk Eddie out of drinking from the bottle. Eddie drinks from it anyway and soon spots another ghost; a convict wearing the broken pieces of an old electric chair and he recognizes Tomasino, who wants Eddie to get out of there. Eddie decides to investigate further by going to talk to the ghost, but Tomasino is violently against it to the point that he tries to take control of Eddie but only manages to maintain the control for a few moments. The ghost is Johnny Caspar, who was a "pal" of Tomasino's back in his gangster days and who wants revenge on Tomasino for "taking the fall" for him and ending up convicted and executed. Tomasino panics and opens fire on Caspar and the crowd begins to panic.   Unbeknownst to Eddie, both Michael and Alex "bugged' him to keep an eye on things. When they see strange goings on. They inform Hope who decides they need to go rescue him. C.C. volunteers to go along to retrieve Steven. The heroes change and teleport to the rave, managing to avoid getting trampled. Angel uses fungi to try to get the crowd channeled away from the conflict. Archer tries to get the DJ to tell everyone to calmly evacuate but needs to do it herself when the DJ freezes up. C.C. shouts the magic word "SHAZAM!" and transforms into Ms. Marvel and uses lightning to help control the crowd. Plastiq helps to make sure anyone who falls is picked up and finds herself in the unenviable position of moving two rather passionate people too involved in one another to notice the ruckus. They seem not to notice they've been moved.   Archer fires a cage arrow to act as a Faraday cage to keep Caspar's electrical discharges from hurting anyone. Once Caspar is trapped, Eddie, out of a strange instinct, summons a portal to "hell" and Caspar is dragged down and the portal closes. Neither Eddie or Tomasino knows how that happened.   C.C. finds Steven, trashed, and helps him to the van. Alex "helps" her while making sure Steven suffers the worst hangover ever.   The heroes return to the observatory in time to enjoy the picnic Ken acquired. C.C. returns with Steven and the van, although the van needs a massive cleanout. Something Andrew handles with a little prestidigitation. While enjoying the picnic, Alex lays back to watch the stars and catches sight of a blue meteor steaking through the sky and crashing someplace in the distance.   The next morning, Eddie (and thereby Tomasino) accompanied by Michael, attend church although Michael becomes bored and leaves early.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Johnny Caspar
  • Andrew Haining
  • Jean Moreau
  • Kimberly Miyako
  • Celestina Cerulean "C.C" Beck (Also called Sissy) a.k.a. Ms. Marvel
  • Steven Anderson
  • Christina Grayson
  • Barry Cheadle (mentioned but did not attend)

Created Content

Two days prior to the event at the, a collision or other explosion occurred on the far side of the moon. It became a hot topic at the event even though scientists still haven't figured out what it was. The leading theory was a one in a billion collision between two small asteroids.
Archer and the Schizos
Angel Of Decay
Zoetrope Alexandria & Alexander
Eddie Bora
Hope Rogers
Cady Heron
Report Date
25 May 2023


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