VIPER's history dates back to the mid-nineteenth century, a society of explorers called the Unholy Order became fascinated with a West African cult that worshipped the snake god Nama. The Unholy Order disappeared for a time, only to reappear at times of great war, when the chance to aid governments and pursue their own secret agendas would present itself.   After World War II, the grandchildren or the original members of the Unholy Order, thirty of them to be precise, decided to reestablish the Order and it is believed that during their initial meeting, that the ancient snake god Nama instructed the thirty to build a new nest in a modern world. The thirty founders took an oath to never betray the other founders or the organization itself; as a reward for this oath, they were marked with the sign of the serpent and thus became VIPER.


VIPER’s organization resembles more of a terrorist cell or a criminal cartel rather than an army. It has divided the world into “territories” each containing a headquarters known as a “Nest”. The scope of control each Nest has depends on its location. Criminal activity in large, less populated areas may be controlled by a single nest while densely populated cities, such as New York, London or Tokyo, may contain several Nests.   VIPER bases are commanded by a Nest Leader who reports to the High Serpents, a group who oversee VIPER operations within a region or continent. Rumors abound about a “Supreme Serpent” who controls the High Serpents, but no evidence that such a person exists has been found. It is possible that the “Supreme Serpent” is nothing but a smokescreen created by the High Serpents who actually control VIPER as an oligarchic council.   Another possible rumor is that VIPER has a World Headquarters located somewhere on Earth. If such a facility exists, it is extremely well hidden and a well-guarded secret. Police organizations throughout the world have no idea of where to even start looking for it.


In addition to it’s many Nests, VIPER also has access to some of the most sophisticated technology on Earth; technology that borders on the edge of super-technology. The standard side-arm for even the lowest ranked VIPER agent is a blaster pistol or carbine. Many of VIPER’s vehicles use anti-gravity lifters and are equipped with heavy energy weapons. Some intelligence analysts claim that VIPER has a lunar facility. VIPER also employs various meta-humans, to varying degrees of success, and aggressively researches methods to create their own, loyal meta-humans.
Name Type Description Threat Level (1-5)
Python Heavy Tank Anti-gravity propulsion Heavy laser cannon Ancillary beam weapons Force Field generator 4
Dragonjet Air Superiority Fighter Turbo-jet propulsion Missile racks Laser weaponry 4
Quetzaocoatl Aerial Gunship Turbo-jet propulsion Heavy auto-blasters Missile rack 3

The new millennium belongs to VIPER.

Founding Date
While the organization can trace its roots back to the Dark Ages, or even further back, the organization as it's recognized was formed in the late 1940's.
Illicit, Cartel
Alternative Names
Vipers upon the land. Rota Vipereus (Serpent's Wheel), Unholy Order of the Grand Reptile,
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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