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No one knows for sure what the Sunless Citadel once was, but legends hint that it served as the retreat of an ancient cult of the Nesskian empire.   A few years back wicked cultists sacked the neighbouring village of Morlun, which is now haunted by evil spirits.   The martial City State Lomar is expanding east. Oakhurst will soon come under it's dominion.
Oakhurst is a sprawling village and home to a large Ammur (barbarian tribe) clan. The village called is the closest community to the Sunless Citadel.   The Ole Boar Inn. Garon (male human) keeps the village tavern. The Inn is busy in trading season merchants from far Lomar, Marg, Quodethi and even the odd Goliath from the Serex glacier can be found in the Inn. Garon serves food and drink, and has a few rooms that visitors can rent in the loft.   At Kishar’s Shrine (a large wooden building set on stilts in the river), advice, information, and healing are among the services dispensed Cackle Nackle priestess and proficient healer.   Blacksmith. Repairing and forging arms and armour is the job of the village smithy, One Eyed Rurik, the only dwarf in the village.   The Village of Oakenhurst Oakhurst is a sprawling village and home to a large Ammur (barbarian tribe) clan. The village called is the closest community to the Sunless Citadel. Most of its residents (including outlying farms) are human, with a sizeable minority of halflings. Significant locations in Oakhurst, and the people to be found within them, include the following:   The Long House. The village hall sits on steep hill, protected by a stout wooden palisade dressed in large boulders. The old hill fort commands a lovely view of the Kydar river to the west and the hills of the Kurmanur to the east. This is the office of chief Vurnor (male, dhari) and First Spear Felosial (female half elf veteran). Feliosial commands a force of sixteen guards and four scouts who keep the village safe.     Blacksmith. Repairing and forging arms and armour is the job of the village smithy, One Eyed Rurik, the only dwarf in the village. River Market. Commerce in the village is managed by Kerowyn Huc, a female Kalayan, who has built a reputation on trading rare and precious minerals to merchants from Lomar, Marg and Quodeth.   Kishar’s Shrine (Goddess of Grain & Mother of Rivers). Advice, information, and healing are among the services dispensed at the village's shrine. Situated on the River it is tended by Cackle Nackle, a female priest and proficient healer.   The Ole Boar Inn. Garon (male human) keeps the village tavern. The Inn is busy in trading season merchants from far Lomar, Marg, Quodethi and even the odd Goliath from the Serex glacier can be found in the Inn. Garon serves food and drink, and has a few rooms that visitors can rent in the loft.


Most of its residents (including outlying farms) are human from the Ammur, a Dhari nation, with a sizeable minority of halflings and a few half elves.


Chief Vurnor is the main authority in the village, but he is often swayed by Kerowyn's view and tends to leave difficult tasks to Feliosail.  He likes it when things are going well.


First Spear Felosial (female half elf veteran). Feliosial commands a force of sixteen guards and four scouts who keep the village safe.

Industry & Trade

The lower village sprawls along the riverbank. Oakhurst is a hub for traders who use the Kydar river and the Pydriador Trail. During trading season, dhari canoes shuttle up and down the river ferrying traders from far and wide to barter in the bustling river market.  River Market. Commerce in the village is managed by Kerowyn Huc, a female Kalayan, who has built a reputation on trading rare and precious minerals to merchants from Lomar, Marg and Quodeth.


The Long House. The village hall sits on steep hill, protected by a stout wooden palisade dressed in large boulders. The old hill fort commands a lovely view of the Kydar river to the west and the hills of the Kurmanur to the east. This is the office of chief Vurnor (male, dhari) and First Spear Felosial (female half elf veteran). Feliosial commands a force of sixteen guards and four scouts who keep the village safe.


The lower village sprawls along the riverbank. Oakhurst is a hub for traders who use the Kydar river and the Pydriador Trail. During trading season, dhari canoes shuttle up and down the river ferrying traders from far and wide to barter in the bustling river market.
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