Sanasera Keltine (sahn-ah-SEH-rah KEL-teen)

Sanasera Keltine was a sorceror who served in the Army of Eridane.   During the Battle of Vrujuhs in BF 372, she was part of a unit of magical auxiliary troops. She was one of the scouts who used invisibility and flying magic to spy on the approaching forces.  Those scouts had warned that the elvish forces were outnumbered, but they underestimated the actual threat. After the initial clash of the two opposing armies, Keltine saw that an orcish formation was threatening to break through the lines, which might well lead to a rout of the elvish forces. Using a combination of flying and illusion spells, she made herself look like one of the commanders, riding in on a horse to face the threat, hoping to lure a group of orcs to focus on her.  Her trick worked better than she expected, and she was soon surrounded by a host of bloodthirsty orc warriors.. Realizing she could not escape, she sacrificed herself by casting an augmented fireball - centered on herself - that wiped out a huge number the threatening orcish forces.   Commanders of the battle said that her sacrifice likely saved the lives of hundreds of troops.   In honor of her sacrifice, one of the forts on The Line is named for her.


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