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Council of Guild Leaders

The Council of Guild Leaders is a council made up of the leader of every guild in Qahila. This council rules the entire country, and is meant to involve the opinion of every citizen as Qahilyans must join a guild by the age of seventeen.


Each guild leader is automatically a member of the Council of Guilds, and takes part in the decision making process. The Council of Guilds meets all together once a month.


The Council of Guilds is meant to be for the citizens, and many of the guild leaders are. However, some of the guilds are difficult to get into, and have become snobbish over the years. These guilds are often the most rich and most powerful, and they can occaisonally sway the rest of the council to their side.

Public Agenda

The Council of Guilds is meant to protect the citizens of Qahila, and guide them towards strength and dignity. Work for a cause is considered the most important things, and each guild is constantly recruiting new members and improving their current ones. They are in charge of the approval of the formation of new guilds as well.


Every guild member, and thus every citizen of Qahila is under the command of the Council of Guilds, and the council can technically call upon them and any of their property at any time. Qahila is a prosperous country, an artisanal center, and has made many lucrative trade deals over the years with other countries.


The nation of Qahila was growing to large for the descendants of pirates to handle, and having learned to lean on each other to survive the desert they still wished to account for everyone in their decision making. Groups had begun to form based on common factors and a member of each group was elected to form a council. The council decided that each group would become a guild, and that those guilds would work towards the formation of a great nation, and the betterment of their people. The Council of Guilds was thus formed, and the people were eager to have their opinions listened to.

The Desert Drowns All

Founding Date
2987 A.A.
Alternative Names
Guildies, Goldies
Controlled Territories


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