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Alhimaya, the capital city of Qahila, is located in the middle of the Nobinya desert. A magical oasis keeps it watered, but what keeps it protected are the craggy dunes that tower over the city, protecting it from attack. A beautiful burst of color in the middle of a desert, the shifting sands that surround it seem to keep it safe, seem to hold it tightly. Samira cradles the people of Alhimaya close, and she doesn't like to let them go.


Mainly Goliaths, Orcs, and Gnomes, the residents of Alhimaya are descendents of pirates and thus are members of races that are often looked on as unsavory. However, they quickly also became known as a center of craft, and artisans from all over gravitated towards Qahila as well. Close in trade with Adularia, Qahila is a wealthy country and Alhimaya reflects that, with large houses and quickly evolving fashion.


The government of Qahila is the Council of Guilds, a council made up of the leader of every guild in the country. And since every member of Qahila must join a guild and find a profession by the age of seventeen, in theory this means every citizen has a voice in the way Qahila is run. Each guild within Qahila has a base within Alhimaya, and that is where the guild leader resides. These guild leaders meet all together at least once a month, though oftenthe more powerful guild leaders, such as the leaders of the Goldsmith's Guild and the Merchant's Guild, meet more frequently.


While the craggy defences give Alhimaya its nickname, the descendants of pirates didn't lose their roots and the military power of Qahila has not lost its might. While no longer on the sea, they still practice combat, and the fighters guild is one of the best stocked in the land.


Shops and centers of trade run throughout Alhimaya, as well as numerous workshops and factories. The magical oasis that keeps the city alive also provides small rivers that eventually flow underground that turn mills and put out fires.


Alhimaya is divided into five districts. The Smith District, the Alchemist District, the Merchant District, the Arcane District, and finally the central district, which is simply known as The Hub.


Qahila was born when a group of pirates failed to give the proper offerings to Miran, Goddess of the sea, and she sent them to the desert continent of Qahila as punishment. They managed to survive the desert storms and Samira, goddess of sand and desert fortitude and Miran’s sister, was impressed by them. To piss of her sister and in reward for their efforts, she gifted them the city of Alhimaya, and sent more people their way in order to build Qahila into a nation.


The architecture of Alhimaya is unique, with the central building having been made out of the first settlers' old boat. Later, desert stone was used to craft buildings that were then painted brilliant colors, and though the dunes hide the city from sight, once you are within its streets the buildings are a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors. The colors are often used to indicate guild membership statues, and if someone is ever banished from a guild their house is graffitied gray.


The desert of Nobinya surrounds the city, and makes the trek there difficult, but worth it. The magical oasis that makes Alhimaya survivable also creates several small rivers that run through the city until they dissapear underground, creating a network of underground tunnels and lakes.

Natural Resources

The magical oasis that makes Alhimaya survivable also provides fish and water for crops. Cows and other livestock are raised outside the city for food, and various desert creatures provide other forms of nutrition (as well as making interesting ale).
Founding Date
2257 A. A.
Alternative Name(s)
The Shield
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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