Karnis 2 Geographic Location in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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Karnis 2

Far beyond the Kayvos nebula lies a world left untouched by time. A dense alpine world with thick forests, and vast mountain ranges, rippling seas, and abundant highlands, where the denizens of this world make their communities, and homes.    The planet has stayed out of the way of most Alien civilizations for centuries, keeping to themselves. but all that changed when the U.N.S. Expeditionary fleet made 1st Contact, and decided to uplift the fledging species, from a myriad of scattered clans and tribes to a more... enlightened myriad of clans and tribes... with technology.


Karnis 2 is a large Alpine planet, with vast Mountain ranges, rolling hills, and highlands, and thick dense forests.   The surface of the planet is home to many different types of flora and fauna. and many kinds of trees.


The planet is known to have a all around temperate cool climate due to the mountain ranges and the cold air coming down from said mountains.

Natural Resources

When the U.N.S. first arrived in orbit over the planet, they sent out multiple scanning probes to see what was on the planet. One of these scans informed the fleet that Karnis 2 had a large deposit of Thandium alloy.( a very strong metal used in star ship construction.)    Another abundant resource that the denizens of the planet barely make use of, was the rich and fertile soil found within the planets lowlands.
Alternative Name(s)
The Evergreens, or Krag Carn.
Inhabiting Species


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