The Karn Species in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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The Karn

Upon the Rolling Hills and Tundra's of Lycaon, Live The Karn.  
The Karn are6 to 7ft tall Wolf like humanoids that for the longest time have lived in a primitive and tribal Society. For untold centuries The Karn have been fighting amongst themselves. Fighting over land, territory, and resources, Just fighting old rival clans over ancient grudges. All of that would change one day when the Expeditionary fleet of the U.N.S.'s Project Odyssey came to explore this new world.
The men and women of Project Odyssey arrived and greeted the Karn with the best of intentions, but most clans were not as receptive as some others.
 After some time interacting with the Karn the Upper echelons of the U.N.S. Fleet, as well as the confiring with the new Grand Chancellor, There was unanimous decision to to Uplift the Karn through technological enlightenment.
 After that point the U.N.S. helped develop the Karns' culture as well as fast forwarding their technology by 200 yrs. With this large scale cultural advancement the Karn have been elevated to new heights. They're not a space faring species yet but some of their race have chosen to join project Odyssey and explore the Galaxy along side their new Human, and Antari Allies.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The names of the Karn are both simple, and entrique. Most names are always followed by a Clan name depending on which clan you belong to.   Male names: Dolos. Merrac, Tolos, Kerg etc Female names: Faera, Kione, mara, Dieda

Major Organizations

Aside from the many clans that make up their feudal society, The Karn are actually quite religious. The follow the belief of their Goddess Arka The great Huntress.

Courtship Ideals

The Karn believes in Mating for life so when they do seek a mate, they take great care in deciding who they want to be with for the rest of their life.

Relationship Ideals

Amongst the Karn, they're some clans that practice polygamy, and some clan chieftans are known to have 3-4 wives.

Average Technological Level

Currently The Karn a quite primitive. Though they do have some Technology, and they electricity and some advanced tools, and weapons.

Common Dress Code

Most or not all Karn will where a robe of their birth clan. Depending on which clan your from the color of your robe my vary.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Majority of the Karns' culture is that of a warrior culture. from birth, and throughout their life the Karn live and breath the air of Combat. The Karn are also split up into tribes, and clans and for the longest time these clans have been vying for power over the other.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

As of recently the Karn have encountered the U.N.S. 4th Expeditionary fleet. All the Karn are cautious about these visitors from the sky, Some mor than others, but some are actually welcoming to these humans, and their allies.
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution


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