Thara Geographic Location in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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Far away in the distant Jorrus System orbits an Alien world covered in Water.  
The Ocean world of Thara is covered 90% in water. The only land masses are the scattered groups of Islands across the planet surface. The planet is also home to the technologically advanced Antari race.    This world would be the first of many alien worlds that the Humans involved in Project Odyssey would encounter in their Journey across the Stars. As well as the first to have sentient Alien Life. The planet Thara is home to a large Eco-System of sea creatures, and ocean Flora. The Planet is also home to rare minerals, and micro organisms, that are used in Medicines.
 The planet is under the rule of a democratic Technocracy. The rule of the planet, and its' people is To advance and succeed in all scientific endeavors, and to progress to new heights. Most if not all Antari are top tier scientists majoring in either 1 or multiple fields. Working together, building up on each others' ideas, and progressing towards a bright future achieved through Science.


The planet is 90% in water. The only land masses to speak of are the Scattered groups of Islands around the planet. Below the surface of the water are a large sand banks, and sheer cliffs that drop off into deep blue depths.


The Planet in home to hundreds of different species of Aquatic life. Large Water Mammals, Giant Squid like, creatures, Smaller varieties of Marine life. Different School of fish migrate in fast pods, form ocean to ocean.

Natural Resources

Like other planets in the wider galaxy, Thara has Kyrite nodes all across the planet deep beneath the surface of the ocean. The planet is also home to a very durable alloy known as Andurite. Along with all the other natural recourses of the planet the most plentiful is water.
Alternative Name(s)
The Great Blue
Ruling/Owning Rank
Inhabiting Species


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