The Antari Species in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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The Antari

Far away in the distant Jorrus system orbits the planet Thara, home of the Antari. The Antari are aquatic humaniods with gills on thier necks, an tenticles on thier heads, with a knack for understaning and creating advanced technology. The entire culture is based around the progression of science, and technology throughout the Antari Union.  The Antari as a people have chosen the path of Pasifisim. They have met many other races across the galaxy and have made many allies, and have also uplifted many primitive races. The Antari have recently came into contact with the human race, and have found both interesting, strange as well as dangerous. The Anatari have decided to make use of danger factor for the better, and have decied to become allies with the Humans of earth through the galactic Peace keeping organization Sentinel, and participating in Project: Odyessey.    The Antari now travel alongside thier human allies, into the greater galaxy in search of new worlds, and new wonders to experience.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Antari names occasionaly sound mellodical, other times they sound stern,and straight forward.   Male:Alloc Dumar Kelloc Sorrec Vallen   Female: Mia Lolec Namba Dis.

Major Organizations

Within the Antari Union ther are sub factions, or guilds that make up the whole of Antari society. Such as the Advanced Science guild, witch is responsible for developing new technologies, and uncovering the mysteries of the Universe. The Medical guild, a collection of doctors,and other medical perfessionals across the planet working together to cure any and all illnesses.  There is also the Defence guild. The defence guild is the defacto police force/ army for the entirety of the the Union.

Average Technological Level

With the antari being a technocracy, they have engineered and made many technological innovations. They have made breakthroughs in terraforming, and teleportaion technology, as well as black hole, and dark matter manipulation, and so much more.
Scientific Name
Aqua Sapians
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Discovered by


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