
Olna is a country of its own people to be sure. The Olnic that govern this region once stretched as far as Telk, owning all of the territory in the continent of Canar since time long forgotten. In those days the continent of Canar was known as Oln and if old words can be believed it was teeming with giants. Now the densest population of Olnic reside in Olna, most having been driven from their homeland after the Alyric invasion. The few that do reside in the south make up pockets of resistance against their Alyric oppressors and choose to reside in the city of Dorin, an unincorporated free city lightly controlled and occupied by the Silveisean Empire. The Olnic were stalwart record keepers and before the invasion of the Alyric peoples, their documents held all sorts of historical information pertaining to cinderskin, astronomy, and the Vrolua. These scrolls were mostly hidden away for safe keeping in secure tombs throughout Canar as the Olnic were being driven from their homeland. Now the group have established themselves in the northern stretch of Canar, marked as unhospitable by the Osken, it is a place of tremors and volcanic activity. In Penance, the black soils are rich enough to sustain all manner of plant life, however, within the interior of Olna, the land is too unstable to farm. Still the Olnic make this sulfurous wasteland their own by exporting all manner of goods, especially salt.   Though they migrated to the north, the Olna have found themselves beset on all sides as the natural landscape has led the people into a bottleneck. Above them, they are pressured by the Pergalls to provide answers to the riddles of the Vrolua tombs that dot the landscape. To the South they are beset by those that want to uncover Olnic history to use for their own gains.


Beauty Ideals

The Olna have a preference for keeping their hair in tight coils which hangs at shoulder length. They have dark amber colored eyes.
Diverged ethnicities

Cover image: by Nic Tatum


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