
The Osken hail from Canar and are as Olnic as they are Alyric. They have invaded much of Canar making the area their own in every way possible. The Osken discovered many of the lost cities of the Vrolua. The Palispar kingdom is as much an Alyric success story as it is one for the Olna.   The Osken never separated from the Children of Uldi but are instead the result of interactions that took place between the Children and the Olna. A seafaring people themselves, Olna encountered the Children of Uldi in the Shallow Sea and established trade with them. As the quarters turned to quarternons, more and more of the Alyric women and inbetweens gave birth to infants that bore similar physical traits to the Olna: bronze skin, chestnut colored hair, amber colored eyes. The babies were welcome additions to the seaborn people and treated as Alyri but as they grew into young adults, they began to question their heritage and look to the west.

Cover image: by Nic Tatum


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