Beck Revire Character in Prosi | World Anvil
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Beck Revire

Beck Revire

A self-assured Wizard striving to become the best she can be at whatever she does.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and lithe, attempts to maintain a fluid sort of grace to her movements. Not incredibly quick on her feet.

Body Features

She has a longer face, ears rising back into a point. Her hair almost clings to her head in what appears to be a perpetual state of dampness and shines with a watery sheen. She has two silver hooped earrings adorning each of her ears.

Facial Features

Sports a composed and serene, almost tired expression most of the time. A grin is never too far from her lips. Seems lost in thought, her mind somewhere else. Is very attentive once her interest is piqued.

Identifying Characteristics

Swirling patterns run along her forehead and cheeks. Her coat is covered in very meticulously embroidered glyphs, many of them clustered along the sleeves before scattering out. What can be seen of her hands appears to be deeply scarred.

Physical quirks

She tends to walk with her hands clasped behind her back. Her posture is relaxed, giving off an aura of calm self-assurance.

Apparel & Accessories

Long, wrap-like coat with loose fitting sleeves and a high, droopy collar. Underneath she wears a burgundy tunic and billowing pants tucked into black, ankle-high boots. She wears her arcane focus - an amethyst crystal - wrapped loosely around her wrist by intricately woven rope. She keeps her notebook within one of the two front pockets of her coat.

Mental characteristics




Had been an apprentice weaver with the Threads of Tempest as a teenager. Studied at Weave Crest.


An adventurerer with the Brahir Company.

Mental Trauma

Has a major fear of being out of control or losing control.

Intellectual Characteristics

Enjoys the rewarding feeling of successfully figuring something out. Enjoys learning about other people as individuals/what makes them tick. Sees most things as a puzzle to solve.

Morality & Philosophy

A tool should never be to blame for what the wielder does with it. If you can't find the fun and excitement in what you do, there's very little point in doing it. If I can help someone, I'll do it in a heartbeat.


Prefers not to shake hands with people. Drinking/anything that could potentially alter her mental state.

Personality Characteristics


I will never repeat the past mistakes I've made. I will strive to succeed where others did not. I will not settle on "good enough".

Virtues & Personality perks

Will try almost anything once. Fairly easy to converse with. Understanding. Can be very attentive. Hard worker.

Vices & Personality flaws

Can become determined to the point of lacking self-preservation and reason. Compulsively lies. Can overthink to the point of losing sleep. Has a tendency to become silently jealous of those she sees as rivaling her own capabilities.

Personality Quirks

Rubs her hands and wrists while deep in thought/stressed. Holds a lot of restless energy, paces a fair bit. Seems to calm down and focus better when near open bodies of water. Mutters under her breath while working over her notebook and coat as a way to keep herself focused.


Prefers to keep herself relatively clean. Her coat is immaculate. She tends to it multiple times a day, making sure any rips or tears are swiftly dealt with.


Contacts & Relations

Nordruil Runeshaper - Master during her time at Weave Crest

Family Ties

Avonmora "Avon" Revire - Mother   Irvine Revire - Father   Cora Revire - Sister   Mora Revire - Sister

Religious Views

Holds a respectable level of reverence for the gods of Prosi.

Social Aptitude

Enjoys conversing with other people. Not particularly an extrovert, but clearly comfortable within her own skin in a social setting.

Hobbies & Pets

Sketches in her free time, both for additions to her coat and as a way to keep her brain occupied. Enjoys coming up with concepts for different clothing items. Has taken an interest in strategy-focused games.

Wealth & Financial state

Grew up in a modest household.
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
972 AU
Zora's Respite
Navy Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep Jade
140 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Primordial, Elvish.

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