Brahir Training Center Building / Landmark in Prosi | World Anvil
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Brahir Training Center

The Brahir Training Center is where the Brahir Company train their new recruits. The Center is located slightly north of Everwell nestled against the edge of the Ice Spine Mountains.   The center usually only has one or two batches of recruits going through it at a time. Sometimes none. The Brahir have a different approach to their training than other groups. They train their people as units, sending 4 to 6 people through at a time. This allows the groups to work together and form a bond before heading out into the world.   Former recruits come back often for further training, reminisce with instructors, or for the yearly Brahir Brawl to determine the best unit in the company.   The Training Center is famous for being the lair of a silver dragon who was gifted to the Brahir Company as an egg.
Alternative Names
The Center
Owning Organization

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