Brahir Company Organization in Prosi | World Anvil
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Brahir Company

The Brahir Company was founded at the end of the Draconic Wars by a group of adventurers paired with a thankful silver dragon. It has since become the largest adventuring guild in Prosi and is the only guild sanctioned to work in every region of the continent.   The Brahir Company has membership numbering in the thousands though a majority of those members are not actively adventuring at any given time. Indeed, the Company doesn't particularly care how active its members are so long as they don't besmirch their name.   Brahir Company adventurers are a welcome sight by just about everyone on the continent and are often treated well and with respect based solely on reputation.


The Brahir Company trains its members as a unit.  Once fully trained each unit is given a great amount of autonomy in what it does with the only stipulation being they don't do anything to damage the reputation of the guild.   Central leadership of the guild is focused on validating contracts for work and training/management of its members.

Public Agenda

To use their strength to defend the helpless.


The Brahir Company is thought to have one of the largest stockpiles of magical items on the continent.  The items are given out to parties that bring the guild increased respect and admiration of the populace.

Might for the Good of All.

Adventuring Party
Alternative Names
The Company
Controlled Territories

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