Ollara Dariva Character in Prosi | World Anvil
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Ollara Dariva

Ollara Dariva

Ollara decided to come work for the Brahir Training Center because she needed to find her path in life. She had this burning deep within her soul for something. Anything. She needed opportunities to fight, opportunities to avenge those who needed it. She had a craving to punish those that needed to be punished. Her father Rebel came with her at the request of her mothers to make sure she wasn't going into a cult or something reckless.   During her training at the center, she honed the skills that she got from her paladin training previously but also developed skills that seemed to come deep within her that allowed herself to create echoes of her body. It felt like a power special to her, to the angel she was tied to. She also developed serious friendships with the individuals she trained with.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit, workable and useful muscle. She has an intimidating frame for a woman, considering the fact that she's used to wearing heavy armor and wielding a maul.

Body Features

Appears human but possesses a higher level of beauty. Her skin almost glistens like a bronze metal, especially in the sun. Her eyes, pupiless and gold to match her marks, were often striking and alarming to some but she could not hide them until she found her mask. Her bronze skin has umber undertones from her mother, with light freckles on her breasts and shoulders. Her hair is a deep black color; short on the sides and long on top like a Pompadour.

Facial Features

On her deep bronze skin was two marks in bright gold: a straight line down her forehead and a triskelion on her right cheek. Slender cheekbones, a slender nose, and often darkened lips.

Identifying Characteristics

A bright gold straight line down her forehead and a triskelion on her right cheek. On her back, there are scars that look like angel wings. Her golden, pupilless eyes.

Special abilities

She draws a lot of her strength from her paladin oath and her celestial essence.

Apparel & Accessories

She carries with her a maul and a glaive. She also carries two books: a prayer book filled with prayers and songs; and a dark red journal that she writes romance stories, erotic poems, her deepest fantasies and secrets, and drawings she makes of others she encounters - usually in some form of boudoir apparel and poses.   Her outfit typically consists of a chainmail armor dress, a dark midnight blue leather jumpsuit with accents of gold that whenever she activates her Radiant energy, they will glow and radiate.   She also wears this mask when not around her group or when she's in combat.

Specialized Equipment

She carries with her a maul and a glaive, and her chainmail. Her holy symbol.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

She identifies as a woman.


Very much a curious individual when it comes to my sexuality. Bisexual would be the most accurate identifier for her.


Religious training from a very young age. Combat training from the age of 10.


Assisted her mothers in the church during the day.

Mental Trauma

Fear of failure. Fear of ending up alone.

Intellectual Characteristics

Daydreams often.   Meticulous about appearances... hers and others.   Likes to write about things that the church would more than likely not approve of.   Fills awkward silences by humming old hymns.

Morality & Philosophy

Neutrality.   There is a form of justice for everything.   The greater evil is the threat.   Mercy is for those who deserve it.   Any means necessary, even if it challenges her faith.   If I fail, I must repair what I have destroyed.   Love is everything.


Unkempt appearances, blatant disrespect, and untrustworthiness.

Personality Characteristics


Providing justice to the world for those that cannot obtain it for themselves is her biggest motivation. Her second-largest motivation is the love she has for others.

Virtues & Personality perks

Loving and caring for those in her life.

Vices & Personality flaws

Judgmental, forms impressions of others quickly.


She prefers to be as clean as possible. Washing daily is crucial.


Contacts & Relations

Rebel Graves is her father and someone that she trusts completely. She doesn't hold resentment for him or her mothers for not telling her sooner about her blood relationship with Rebel but she does want to bring him into her life more. When he insisted he come with her to the training center, she did not fight it. She loves him.   Flower is someone Ollara worries about, probably too much. Her childlike wonder is something Ollara envies in some regard but it also concerns her. However, Flower has shown Ollara that she can be relied on.   Demzi... She is special to Ollara. She's just not sure why just yet. It might be her honesty, or the way she carries herself. But... She cannot imagine a world where Demzi isn't in it.   Zalaia is also special to Ollara. She is unique to Ollara in many ways and while she might not see the beauty in herself, Ollara sees it in her deeply.   Ezraen is full of surprises. He's knowledgable, a bit full of himself, but impressive. If she ever had a question about anything ever, especially magic, he would be the person to go to; besides the Professor.   Beck [Insert]   Evelynn is another Aasimar that Ollara feels the pull to oversee and monitor. It's almost as if she struggles to trust her judgment.

Family Ties

Saphi and Solaste are the mothers of the Dariva family (Saphi is on the left and Solaste is on the right). Saphi and Solaste are practicing midwives. Saphi and Solaste explained their relationship to Ollara. Ollara was the product of a selective intimate night between Saphi, Solaste, and their close friend Rebel Graves. All her siblings were conceived in this manner from the same man. Solaste birthed all the children due to Saphi not being about to conceive. Saphi and Solaste are both midwives during the day, but enjoy being sex workers on the side.   Rebel Graves is Ollara's father and probably one of the few people in her life that she has let her guard down with.   Thanea is the twin of Kismara and is studying in school (16 yo). She seems more scholarly and more interested in philosophy than her siblings.   Yasmin is the oldest sister and an educator in musical arts (24 yo). She has no children. She is a bit stricter and can come off as cold.   Ellera is another younger sister to Ollara. She followed a similar path of Ollara and decided to start her training as a paladin (17 yo).   Shanna is the second oldest sister. Mother of two beautiful children (Kara 6yo & Rumar 18 mo). She is a farmer with significant skills in cross-breeding plants (22 yo). Shanna's husband, Khalan, is a soldier for the local guard.   Iselda is the third-oldest sister. A local midwife (21 yo). She lives with her mothers and specializes in complicated births.   Kismara is the twin of Thanea. She enjoys a life of sailing (16 yo). She decided to start traveling at 16 instead of staying home. Saphi and Solaste were supportive of her sailing dreams.

Religious Views

Asteroth is Ollara's angelic guide and closest friend. Asteroth is the angel that found devotion from Saphi and Solaste. With the assistance of Rebel Graves, the father of all of Ollara's siblings, Asteroth blessed Ollara's birth with the celestial soul of another angel’s life. Asteroth comes to her as a tall, muscular man with long brown hair, a scruff on his face, and heavy armor. His weapon is a four-tailed whip that comes from his gauntlet and he's often holding a shield.   She follows Vijin, Lord of the Just.


Very quiet at times, observant, but smiles often.
Character Location
Current Location
Brahir Training Center
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Lawful Neutral
Current Residence
Brahir Training Center
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
150 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I was just napping."
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Abyssal

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