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12 Gennisi Stones

During the conception of Prototokos, while the many gods and cosmic beings agreed to create a tranquil realm of serenity, the first agreement were the 12 shrines. Of these shrines, 6 would be celestial to represent all gods, both good and evil. While another 6 would be created for the cosmos, these would represent oblivion and infinity. Each shrine would be unique in its build, placed within Prototokos, and the purpose it would serve on this new realm would be unlike any other previous device. This type of grand architecture would allow all eternal beings, both god and cosmic alike, to try their hand in a new method of peace. The divine powers could grant access to any followers dabbling in beliefs, new religions and gods to praise. While unholy beings, could sway those of evil intent to look toward lesser deities for rituals. The beings of cosmos, would bless any who chose not to believe in the likes of gods or devils, and instead praise the very air they breath and accept that fate is that of their own choosing. The inhabitants of Prototokos, could do so as they please with their lives, believe what they choose, follow their hearts desire and be free of any forced path. The truce amongst these powerful forces had yet another stipulation, that one sunrise to sunrise, a single day in the world of Prototokos, that a balance of powers would take place. A grand meeting known as "The Council of All" which consisted of all the powers of good and evil, oblivion and infinity, to discuss the current state of the new realm. Often these meetings would last 72 hours but only affect Prototokos for 24 hours, as all sides would agree on what powers have grown to much or not enough. Discussing all matters of Prototokos, every race, creature, landscape, ocean, mountain and religion were topic. After this period the The Council of All would disperse and a blanket of balance would submit itself to Prototokos for all to see in the form of bright rainbow like colors. Each shrine would release an immense gleam of energy, so intense, its radiant power could be felt miles away. This phenomena seen and felt realm wide would be named by the inhabitants as "The Brightening".
*The Council of All*
But it was not the shrines themselves which provided such intense power, but what lied within each shrine. In the grand library "Hall of Pages", the oldest recorded document, and first and only known writing from The Council of All left on Prototokos can be found. This very document is the foundation of what is now known as the Bonfire Citadel. An ancient document, with a language known as "Writings of the Ancient Ones", and mostly forgotten was discovered. The last known historical linguist capable of reading the language, a human man of dark complexion named "Oomasu Valiniir", deciphered the document. In his writings he stated that a powerful relic stone known as a "Gennisi Stone" was built into the foundation of each shrine. These stones are said to harness the very energy of gods and cosmos, granting the amazing balance and perfect serenity that Prototokos was blessed with. It is believed that each stone was unique to its location and possessed a portion of divine, unholy, oblivion or infinite power. This is due to the separation of 6 celestial shrines and 6 cosmic shrines. All 12 stones have been clearly stated to be spherical at around 9 inches in diameter and resemble or have likenesses to the very shrine designated to harness its potential. For example the Gennisi Stone said to be built within the Scorched Shrine of Deka would resemble a ball of magma encrusted with volcanic rock, possibly transferring massive amounts of heat. While the Gennisi Stone found at the Temple of Enas would be as cold as the arctic wind and favor an ice like appearance. Oomasu also exclaimed, that at random, one stone would reveal itself temporarily during The Brightening. This random event for each stone, known as "Imbued Blessing", would allow both shrine and stone to permeate any additional energy necessary to keep both life and death preserved on Prototokos, and maintain the equality throughout the realm.   Along with the details of the events of the Gennisi Stones and Brightening Shrines, Oomasu also wrote about the creation of "Gennisi Stone Guardians". Although much was not written from the historian about the guardians, what was clear is that each shrine and stone were supposedly assigned a guardian. A form of a protection policy should any try and tamper with the shrines or stones. This particular writing has largely been disbelief, as no sighting of any guardians near the known shrines has ever occurred, nor has there there been any evidence to accommodate such. Oomasu's writing would stop shortly after, and he would soon pass away at the age of 78 in the year 128 T.B. But all of his documents and books can be found at the Hall of Pages.
                             *The library of The Hall of Pages*
The Brightening has been long laid to rest, and just like the only known document from The Council of All, or the language from which it is written, it too may become a forgotten brief moment in the history of Prototokos. But so long as there are sages and historians, scribers and musicians, adventurers and explorers...the lore of such things will live on...either in myth or in legend.
*Discovery of the entrance to the hidden Shrine of Epta in year 17 T.B.*
*First known document containing Writing of the Ancient Ones*


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