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The Corruption of the Calamity Stone

The mighty dwarven kingdom of the Mallet thrives from it precious finds deep beneath the mountain they reside. Ruling this landscape for nearly 1000 years unscaved, trading with the local city of Limani and the Elvish city of Full Moon. This relationship harvested many great treaties and the strength of their bonds grew as time progressed. But 500 years ago the time known as "The Shadowing" began, and along with it came many harsh times and arose an even greater darkness in the trading routes between the dwarven kingdom and the cities of Limani and Full Moon. It has been written that when the time of The Shadowing began, a mighty black dragon known as Kalameet arrived in the neighboring dark forest, and began corrupting the land. Spreading a vile smell and smothering the trading route in a thick unsurpassable fog. None know why this black wyrm arrived in the area, although speculation has been had.     Many reasons and tales have been said, but the most commonly told is that the Mallet dwarves unearthed an ancient stone. The stone known as "The Stone of Calamity". It has been said that while mining for more precious metals and jewels deep within the mountain, a large luminating orange stone was uncovered. Without warning the stone began to sound out a noise which was piercing, echoing down the mighty hallways of the dwarven city, crackling through the ears of the dwarven residents and sending a thunderous noise from under the mountain that could be heard for miles. The noise was so drilling that many of the dwarven miners were killed instantly, sending the kingdom into a frenzy. The mountain shook and quaked causing avalanches and created a deep some 100 foot crevasse within the mountain range. The noise only lasted 5 seconds, but was enough to completely startle all neighboring cities and warrant an investigation from the elvish tribes of Full Moon. When the elves arrived, they discovered the dwarves trying to remove the stone from their kingdom and have it destroyed, but the elves encouraged against it. Saying that the stone must be left untouched and reburied, never to be sought after.   The two races began to argue about what should come of the stone, a fight broke out and a slaughter ensued, the dwarves overcome with emotion killed the elves whom they welcomed into their mine. The dwarves quickly hid the bodies deep within the mountain and began their plan to remove the stone from their location. When suddenly a large acid breathing dragon arrived, finding its way down through the recently made crevasse. This dragon would later be called Kalameet. Killing all who would dare challenge him, roaring viciously, snarling and yelling " I seek the noise from beneath this mountain!". Kalameet was making swift work of the dwarven city, destroying all they had built, slaying any he seen. But than, a mighty dwarf known as Gough "Hawkeye" Thickskin, armed with a large war ballista came from behind the vile acid breathing monstrosity yelling "The noise is here you foul monster!" Kalameet would turn around to discover the tip of the ballista arrow was decorated with a luminating orange stone, and with one quick crank of the trigger the ballista fired! Pinning a perfect target between the mighty dragon eyes! Kalameet distraught and disoriented, fled. Flying from beneath the mountain and crashing in the nearby forest.   All was thought to be gone, but over the next 300 years the forest Kalameet fell into began to die, the vegetation in the area subsided. A foul odor came of the area, fog thickened and the region became uninhabitable. Many in the area fell to disease, famine spread quickly and once a vibrant forest soon became a desolate swamp. In an attempt to find the origin of this rot, a group of adventurers from the Village of Hommlet traveled to the known landing spot of Kalameet to see if they could undo what has happened. There they would find a temple had been built and had become inhabited by many creatures seeking refuge. They readied themselves and entered the temple, not much is known of what happened when they entered...but what is known is that none returned. Shorty after this discovery, it has been said that a female black dragon arrived in the area, believed for mating. The sky darkened and a loud dragon roar was heard, and many of the villagers of Hommlet said they saw Kalameet fly into the sky spraying his acidic breath, and crowning a bright orange luminating stone, headed south and has not been seen since.
In the year 385 T.S. the residents of Plainsbrook and the Village of Hommlet claim to have seen smoke arising from different areas of the swamp. Some have even claimed to have seen a black winged creature circling the skies of the swamp, saying the spawn of Kalameet now resides in the swamp and has staked claim to the bog. Locals have given this unidentified, and mostly mysterious creature the name Smokefang. This title has also carried onto the swamp...making the area known as the "Smokefang Swamps"   Now, some 200 years later the swamp remains, the stench still lingers and the land lays treacherous. With Kalameet gone, and the stone with him...why has nothing changed? Some believe his wicked ways have polluted the area for centuries to come, others claim the dwarves did more damage than can have be repaired, could it be the temple that is perched within the swamp? Is it possible the new mysterious spawn of Kalameet exists? Or maybe this is the Gods way of marking the flaws of the existence of man. None know exactly, but the lore of "The Corruption of the Calamity Stone" still haunts the land til this day.


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