Byantē Alliance Territory

This article covers the geography of the land in this region. Are you looking for information about the country organisation of the Byantē Alliance? Click/Tap here.   Note: I still have South Byantē to write up but I wanted to link the two related articles together.
Byantē Alliance Territory is the second largest claimed geographical zone after the Realm of Qal'ath and is situated in the West (or Oest) of the Grànousii-an-Ormàszil Ocean. The only border it shares with another recognised territory is a small stretch in the North (or Nùormà), where Lake Pyskaszil joins Bevérohii via Greycliff.   Its eastern (land) border is predominantly defined by the Ormàszil up to, but not including, Yi-Kyadii. From there it curves North around Tolmyr Sands (which is not technically owned by any nation, though usually accepted to be part of Qal'ath), until it meets the Bevérohii border before turning West once more around the aforementioned Lake Pyskaszil. Byantē's western border is geologically set by the unscalable (and as-yet unnamed) cliffs that began in the far South at The Table and ended at Hohiiskàlmàr, the imposing mountain belonging to the Dragons and other Skàlkyn, with whom the residents of the Alliance maintain a peace accord.  

Key Locations in Byantē Territory

From North to South:  

Erdàn Blànvyta

Erdàn Blànvyta translates as "the Lands of the/a Pure Life" in Common Tongue. though it technically refers to northern Byantē, it is often used to refer to the Territory as a whole. Peace, Prosperity and finding common ground were set as the roots of "purity", as defined by the society. See Byantē Alliance for more about Byantē culture and governance.
The Peaceful Ascent and Hohiiskàlmàr
Dragon Mounts (in the Common Tongue) were wide and high mountains, with cave entrances facing East (or Est). Two rivers flowed through it, the largest of which flows from the Unknown Lands in the West, and the smaller which can be traced to its source as Glysglàs Glacier near to the Snow-Waste Desert.
  The Peaceful Ascent is a grassy slope that begins around Door Water, works its way up the side of the mountains before eventually turning into them. It is so-called, because it was in the middle of this slope that the (binding) verbal agreement with the Dragons (or Skàlkyn as they were once called) was reached around 20AFD. This was when various camps representing different peoplegroups came together to become one nation.   Nowadays, the Peaceful Ascent is the primary route that Byantē citizen walk into the mountains and the Dragons fly down them. For both parties, it is the most visible way of approaching the other's territory, so is seen as "coming in peace".
Vurlpìch and Pyszkaszil
The village of Vurlpìch is both the most northern and the most elevated settlement in the area. Its lands are incredibly fertile, being watered by several streams. Thus it has attracted herbalists, alchemists and even small-scale fruit and vegetable growers. Too many, in fact, for them all to live there. Those that could not purchase a plot of land made their home in Door Water instead.   Pyskaszil is a lake fed from the northern rivers with a spectacular waterfall on the northern edge. Yet it is not purely a natural body of water either, for it constantly provides fish for the locals. Over the years, the fish population had fluctuated until those in Vurlpìch calculated the approximate rate they could remove them, without diminishing the numbers available. The end result was that the lake appears to provide enough to sustain Vurlpìch and Door Water with a margin available to sell to the towns and cities in the South. With no fish eggs ever being found, nor adult fish witnessed dropping down the waterfall, myths of the lake's power have abounded. Even those who were purely scientifically-motivated have had to admit an element of mystery to how Psykaszil replenishes its population.
Door Water (Por-an-Ousii)
As mentioned, Door Water is mostly home to those who would have preferred to live in Vurlpìch. The advantage of Door Water was that it lay at the foot of the hill that Vurlpìch was founded on, which gives it a measure of protection against the bitter North winds in Winter. It is called Door Water because it, and the lake that bears the same names, are situated between Ajòus Dam to the East and the rest of Byantē's population to the South. The dam was constructed to hold back some of the water that falls from Psykaszil and prevents flooding both of Door Water and the land around the Peaceful Ascent. Thus Por-an-Ousii was literally the door-to-water.
Ajòus Dam
The name Ajòus is a play on words meaning "Water be gone!", testament to the humorous side of the Elelupii builders that constructed it. As mentioned it was built to prevent a flood West. While some of the water is kept as pure as possible, some has also been released into the land due North to create a small marsh. This was intentional both to increase the variety of creatures and plants in Byantē and to provide a unique microfarm of insects and herbs that could be found nowhere else in Alliance territory. A reminder that even the best-intentioned Elelup can still be considering businesses in their endeavours.


A tiny camp of Woodsmen, comprised mostly of scouts and message carriers. Byantē was too far West - at least in some parts of the territory - for the Aszìlmisii (Bluebirds) to safely fly. This necessitated that locals be positioned on the edge of the allliance's lands. While the Foyii are not part of the Alliance, they nevertheless are welcome to partake in society.   The camp is called Verùsz as it almost always has Woodsmen from both the Red- and Green-Leaf clans based here.

South Byantē

The Temple of Learning
Learning informs and moulds faith, which in turn honours learning. For those who practised Sénakismà, the Temple of Learning was both a research and educational institution and a place for shared group worship, prayer and inter-faith discourse.   For some who did not worship the Elements, learning itself has become a quasi-religion - a search for truths, the sources of life and regular meetings with the likeminded. While such a person would never bow down or pray to books, thanking the spirit of a writer for their revelations was a natural reaction for them.
And for visitors or "pure academics", the Temple of Learning was simply the largest store of written and alchemically or magically-preserved knowledge in the whole of the Byantē Alliance.   Regardless of views, it was universally agreed that the location was probably one of the most important assets of the region and should be treated with respect. Any regular visitors would be there partly to learn and partly to assist research that may, or may not, be included within the library as a legacy for future generations.
Aevyenù Woods
Aevyenù is the only wood or forest within Byantē, but it covers nearly a quarter of the land. The purple-leafed trees reached to the East Gate of Ghas'hoji and followed the cliff-edge of Tolmyr Sands right up to Door Water. While it held no spiritual meaning for citizens of the Byantē Alliance, it was an area of natural beauty that attracted visitors and locals alike, whether for fun, an energetic hike, or quietly reading or studying under the boughs. The camp of Verùsz-Nyz in the North gathered Woodsmen, with Camp Hope in the South.
Camp Hope
Camp Hope was the base for the Tégharii, a cross-race defensive militia who also kept watch over Tolmyr Sands for anyone at risk of dying there. They were also required to keep a certain number of hunters and scavengers who were able to provide food (in the case of the hunters) or materials for building (in the case of scavengers) for the poorest in Byantē society.
Kyvyai (kih-vee-y-eye)
Kyvyai was a special case, even for Byantē generosity. With no more than three permitted to remain there at any given time, it was so named because it watched over the hidden contingent of Kyadii in the secluded bay they had called Yi-Kyadii. Those Kyadii who resided there were either too poor to live in Qal'ath or had been exiled from it. Thus, secretly - both from Qal'ath and the Kyadii themselves - Byantē scouts, aided by either the Farseers or mechanical devices borrowed from the Temple of Learning, ensured no harm befell their excluded charges.   Some scouts had asked why they should not be offered sanctuary within Byantē. The simple answer is "respect". The Kyadii have pride even when marginalised and thus to offer them a new home could severely damage what pride they had remaining. If any asked to live within the Territory, however, it was readily provided.
Ghas'hoji (Thoughtspirit)
The circular town of Thoughtspirit (in the Common Tongue) or Ghas-hoji (in Foyiitùn) was a busy, bustling location. Being the largest settlement after the port town of Vyaisùda, it was a key location for traders wanting to take advantage to passing traffic to and from the port. Its outer wall was built around three-quarters of its circumferance. This was to ensure that any points of attack were defended against, while being as welcoming and open as possible to friendly visitors. That said, to infiltrate an enemy through the quarter unwalled section would involve navigating undetected through dense parts of Aevyenù Woods making it less attractive than the main gate to most would-be attackers.
Vyaisùda (Southguard)
Atop the cliff over the Inel dys Ghasii stood a forbidding fortress behind which the town and import regulators of Southguard (Vyaisùda in Foyiitùn) were built. Unlike Ghas'hoji, however, the whole town was walled off, saved for its enormous steel-reinforced gates. Parts of the wall stood back from the cliff-edge, partly as protection from the Elements as Ousii eroded Erdé, partly to ensure residents were not the first hit should an enemy sea-bound vessel strike at Vyaisùda. Despite an imposing impression, Vyaisùda was very welcoming to visitors, and the land approach to the town was though the Herjous Villages, picturesque brick and straw homes in lush, green meadows.
Inel dys Ghasii Port and Dragonmouth
Inel dys Ghasii (or Godsbay in Common Tongue) referred to the area of the sea between Vyaisùda and the Dragonmouth approach. It was here that vessels launched and docked, where initial cursory checks of goods being unloaded took place and where families or coworkers would gather to see off, or welcome back those they cared about. It did require being lit most of the time - either through conventional means, or through the use of "Mirror Lamps" or even incantations of the Scholar-Mage. This was because the bay was sheltered by the lands to the North, the hills to the Unknown Lands in the West and the Ruszohii "ring" to the South.   The minor inconvenience of having to light up their bay was never a concern as the same obstacles to natural light served as protection from outside forces.   Dragonmouth was imagery only as no Dragons were known to inhabit any of the crags near this stretch of water. Guided by the island of Zelévia, ships could sail easily into the Inel via the wide patch of ocean they had called Dragonmouth simply due to its size and the likeness of Zelévia to a Dragon's claw. While the cursory reader may presume that easy entry would apply to any invading force, such an attempt could never be made in secret. Zelévia only appeared abandoned and the Ruszohii was the permanent abode of the Sea-Watchers (or Ousimàrii in Foyiitùn).  


Most of the territory constitutes a gradual decline in height above sea level. A gentle slope in the North ascends Dragonwatch (Hohiiskalmàr) which is only marginally taller than the lake at Vurlpìch in the North West. From there the gently undulating ground is far more like an angular plain than being "in the hills" per se. The only hills of note are home to the Temple of Learning and the Tower of the Vigilent.   Where the ground is flatter - or has been made so - are where the fortified cities of Ghas'hoji and Vyaisùdo are built.   Aevyenù, its only forest, covers approximately one quarter of the territory and is found atop the cliffs above Tolmyr Sands.   At its southernmost coast a naturally-occuring semicircular mountain range provides shelter for the port of Inel dys Ghàsii. These have been named the Ruszohii due to the rusty hue it takes on especially during dusk and dawn. The only other landmass within Byantē Alliance waters is a narrow, finger-like island dubbed Zelévià, which is used to safely navigate ships in and out of the port, instead of towards the swirling and deadly maelstrom that sits between Byantē waters as the Unknown Lands in the West.
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Alternative Name(s)
Erdan Blànvyta, the Pure Lands
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species
Byantē Alliance Territory Map
Across the Grànousii-an-Ormàszil Ocean lies the Byantē Alliance, home to a unified yet multiracial nation that combines faith in the unsees with scientific and logical endeavours. It is also one of the places in the Erdàn Savànii known to be watched over by Dragons and their kin.

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Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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