The Verdant Hills - Bevérohii ([bev[eə][əʊ]i])

As the name suggests, the rolling green Verdant Hills (or Bevérohii in Foyiitùn) were known for its natural, though somewhat untamed countryside. In centuries past, the Verdant Hills formed part of the vast Forest of Doon, but as both Dwarves and Paràntii had need of wood to aid construction and war efforts, the edge of the Forest had receded due to deforestation. Thus, while home to many grasses and flowers, the Verdant Hills had little protection from the Elements. What had been stunning glades became ponds and lakes, used for fishing and, in warmer-weather, swimming. Bevérohii was home to the loftily-named Hillsworn Defenders (See: Elelupii).  

Bevérohii Map

Qal'ath Ikà Doon Region Map
My "core" region, which includes Qal'ath, The Forest of Doon and The Verdant Hills - Bevérohii. These areas are the focus of book one of The Chronicles of Qal'ath.


The inhabitants of The Verdant Hills were loosely organised. This is because, very often, the Elelupii simply worked as families, with the exception of the Hillsworn Defenders and the hunting parties necessary for the provision of meats.   That said, a council of equals met regularly to discuss "Green Matters" - i.e. anything pertaining to their territory. These meetings changed their locations - cycling through Li-Li Khro, Mo-Mo Khro and Dé-Dé Tan with occasional trips to Fishend. On the rare occasion, usually when the Foyii / Woodsmen requested it - they would gather at Vévé-Rusz near The Clearing - so long as the weather was warm and dry at any rate.


Aside from the loose militia, the rest of Bevérohii's assets were in either research, or in natural resources.  

Natex Farms

Unlike Natai Fields outside of Bezélan Minor, the word "Natex" was not Foyiitùn in origin. It was simply a shortened form of "Natural Extraction". Using the rich flora of the rolling hills, the Elelupii had become experts in concocting elixirs, healing potions and myriad other fluids requested by (usually high-paying) clients.   Natex Farms was situated on the far West of The Verdant Hills, at the foot of Greycliff at the North-Eastern boundary of the Byanté Alliance. Harnessing the nearby waterfall that descended from Pyskousii, they were able to ensure their mills and grinders never ceased throughout an entire Ana.  


Lest any visitor get overly excited, Goldridge was not home to gold ore, or any known ore for that matter. Its name was such because there flowered elegant white, yellow and orange flowers. Instead of forming "patches" of similar colours, a multi-hew field appeared to flow downhill. On a sunny day, given a little breeze, the whole hillock seemed to shimmer as refined gold would.   These (UNNAMED) flowers were unique to Bevérohii and were prized (and guarded) as such.


There was no form of mysticism among the Elelupii and any who showed an interest in such matters was excluded from the community, sometimes in a literal sense. So while the Verdant Hills had the highest population of Elelupii, some found homes elsewhere in (and sometimes outside) the Realm. A few took up woodcraft in the Forest of Doon, others joined the Dwarves in becoming traders. But the most likely places an excluded Elelup (referred to as ‘an Outcast’, or sometimes with the harsher term "Exelel") was among the Marsh-lands, where unofficial Mystyrii could find a home developing witchcraft and seer skills.

Agriculture & Industry

Many people groups had sought to impose their wills on the Elelupii, believing that size alone would be enough for intimidation. But the Elelupii were sharp-minded, knew how to strike a deal and were hard, if not impossible, to defeat with words alone.   It was their intelligence that led to their ability to trade, which suited their desire to get their hands the least dirty as possible. “Intelligence” was itself a tradable commodity and usually, though not exclusively, to the highest bidder. They were still outwardly bound as the Hillsworn to protect the border with the Realm of Qal'ath and were paid to do so.   But that did not make the King their only or even the highest-paying client. Dwarves hired them to determine the quality and weights of metals and in identifying markets for gems and such. The Elelupii used their minds in exchanging information with the Foyii / Woodsmen, which ensured no extra coin needed to be paid when trading furs for clothing. Sometimes they could be seen at the Merchant Docks and Traders Square, organising which peddlers were allowed a particular place from which to hawk their wares.

Trade & Transport

But their sharp minds had also discovered one other avenue of trade. The Verdant Hills provided myriad species of flowers and plants. At first they applied their insights into cross-pollinating various species to keep the hills as colourful in Winter as in Summer. From there, the craft developed to use certain plants to improve the flavour of the meat brought back by the Hunters, giving rise to cooking becoming somewhat of an art form. It was not long before healing properties were discovered (or ‘invented’ as many were wont to say) and various salves and elixirs resulted their experiments. Though they had lost many fellow Elelupii during their trials, “survival of the people” mattered more than “survival of an individual” (save oneself, naturally). Once satisfied they could treat their own people, the tiny folk had taken what was simply a beautiful region and made it into a primary source of income: plants to enhance cooking were sold at Traders’ Square, salves were often traded with the Dwarves, who injured themselves in mining at a happily-frequent rate and elixirs found customers with rogue Mystyrii, the Wild Folk of the Marshes and transient traders at the merchant docks.
Geopolitical, Village council
Alternative Names
Hillsworn Defenders
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Executive Body
The Council of El was regarded by larger nations as no more than a "chatterboxes club". Yet, the Elelupii were more organised than they were usually credited with. Once per Summer, each major town of the Verdant Hills would elect two representatives for the Council. Outlying Hamlets could send one if they wanted to. After that the only other group eligible for a seat at the Council were the Hillsworn Defenders, who would usually send a Vice Commander from either Far-View or Hillsworn Fort.   Thus, the Council of El could be made up of anything up to ten representatives. While it could not be denied that, at times, such meetings became heated - all Elelupii wanted the same things: freedom from absolute rules, profitable business ventures, funds to undertake experiments and tests - and protection from threats to the region. So agreements and cooperation were usually formalised after two - or a maximum of three - days' negotiation. The longer the meetings went on, the less they were pursuing their freedom or businesses, which proved to expidite many complex situations different governments could have taken weeks to rule on.
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories

Trade Partners

With ingenuity and technological progress being made in Bevérohii by the Elelupii, Qal'ath was quick to ensure trade relations with the Verdant Hills was positive.   This did lead to Qal'ath, overdoing it to appease the Elelupii, who simply treated Qal'ath as another customer alongside their others. And with more goods and services being provided to Qal'ath than from it, they had the most to lose, so they viewed the relationship more positively than their Elelupii counterparts.

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)


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