
While technically, the name Everspring belongs to the stream and small lake near the Chief's hut, it is the name used by the Woodsmen to mean the Chief's home in the the Forest of Doon including the glade. It is located East of the Blànousii river and lies at the foot of the high cliff on which the Màroh watchtower is situated.

Meaning of 'Everspring'

What makes this location unusual among the Foyii, is that its primary name is in Common Tongue rather than Foyiitùn. The closest name would be Nànivelous (always water)1. This is because 'Spring' in the name does not refer to the season of the same name, but to the always-flowing, crystal-clear waters of the small lake (or large pond). It is said that, even if the wider Realm of Qal'ath was subjected to drought, Everspring's waters would still flow.  

A Convergence of Elements

While the wider Forest of Doon was governed by the Element of Erdé, at Everspring more Elements were present. Being a glade allowed it to nourished by the Elements of Ormà, Aevyen, Ethkiel, Ousii and Erdé. For obvious reasons, the Woodsmen did not seek the blessing of Fyr. While incantations of fire could be invoked while still protecting the trees, such magecraft was reserved for emergencies. Thus, anyone within the Forest using fire spellcraft was considered either an enemy, or a threat that needed to be removed from "under the roof".   This is one of many reasons why Frehghan had never visited Doon, and all previous Guardian Mages of the Crystal of Fire were dissuaded from sojourning there.  

Localized Phenomena

Perceptible only to the Woodsmen, or those closely attuned with the Element of Erdé, the Shield of Everspring covers the glade in warding dome deemed a gift from the Forest itself. This ward serves to prevent enemies (sentients or no) from entering Everspring and thus threatened the current Chief, or meetings being held in their hut. It took previous generations many years to discover that The Great Oak was the source of the Shield.   Not only does the Shield protect Everspring from the physical presence of enemies, but it also serves as a magical barrier. Any aggressive spells directed at it seem to be absorbed, and even natural reactions of some creatures - such as 'acid mist', 'poison spit' and similar abilities - not once has it been noted that the Shield fails to block them.  

Defensive Only

While some incantations may conjurer so-called "attacking wards2", the Shield of Everspring is defensive only. Thus it does not create attacks of its own to push enemies or threats away, nor does it reflect the spells (and others) back at any assailants.  
  1. or other derivative. Nivàlousàn was, at one point, discussed. In the end the Common Tongue form was retained. (continue reading)
  2. "Attacking Wards" could simply be those that reflect or deflect attacks back at the attacker. Other mystical shields can be created, depending on the mage's Myst Sensitivity (and alignment), to even become a weapon. Two examples are: Fire Shields (usually blue or red flames) burned their targets, and Ice Shields (Ousii plus Aevyen) physically cut a foe or rendered part of their body immobile. (continue reading).
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