Guardian Mage

I am currently revising this article. I've struggled to get the tense correct in my articles, so I'm updating everything to the present tense as well as fact checking and consistency cross-checking.
The term Guardian Mage is used exclusively for those members of The Crystal Circle who have influence over one of the six Elemental Crystals.  

What Are They Guarding?

Their Crystals
They are so called, because their primary duty is to guard their Crystals, with their life if it came to that. Each Guardian Mage can only hold one Elemental Crystal, the one which is the most closely associated with the Mage's alignment. That is not to say that they cannot not use incantations relating to the other Elements, but that is not their primary role or strength.
The Realm
The secondary meaning of the name is that they are also guardians of the Realm against any forces seen or unseen that could attack it. They also work together to guard Qal'ath and the Erdàn Savànii, where possible, from extremes of natural forces: earthquakes, hurricanes, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, floods and the like. See Duties for more details.
  Despite this second responsibility, they were mostly unknown to the average citizen. Those that were aware generally looked at the Crystal Tower from a distance with a deep-seated distrust. This caused the Circle to sometimes be referred to as a "witch's hovel" or similar.  

The Passing On of a Crystal

Once a Guardian knows their time has come, their Crystal passes, ideally, to an apprentice. If there is no apprentice, then the remaining members of the Circle set to and find one worthy to become a Guardian. The only exception is Ormàkai, the Crystal of Light, which has to be guarded by the remaining Mages until it signals a worthy Mage is in the vicinity.   Usually only death leads to a Crystal changing hands, but occasionally the Crystal itself can cease to respond to a Guardian Mage, selecting another as their replacement.   The Primary Elemental Crystals' full power cannot be harnessed by simply possessing them. Indeed, a Mage could draw on its power when not phyiscally in possession of it, though The Rule of Proximity did alter spellcasting efficacy.

Foyiitùn Terms

  "Guardian Mage" is the Common Tongue term for members of the Crystal Circle. However, originally there were two interchangeable Foyiitùn titles: (note)  
  • Sénakyl(ii): from Sénaqai (meaning "Elemental Crystal") and kyl meaning "Shield".
    Prononounced: say-na-keel(-ee). This could be understood, then, as "Crystal Shields" or "Shielders of Crystals"

  • Myskyl(ii): from myst (meaning "sorcery" or "Elemental Sensitivity" - see Myst Sensitivity) and kyl meaning "Shield".
    Prononounced: mee-skeel(-ee). So, a loose translation may be "Shield Sorcerer".
  "Guardian Mage" therefore stems from the second of these two translations, which was already the most frequent term used. The Crystal Circle of AFD553 and earlier, actually prefer the Common Tongue phrase because the second definition was too close to the word mystery, which is not always used in a positive sense. While they were secluded and did their work without public acknowledgement, they wandered the Realm in the open, so did not wish to be deemed secretive.  

Singular Forms

As "Guardian Mage" is both a title and a noun, it takes the following forms:  
  • Myskyl: a Guardian Mage with no revealed gender, or where it is unknown, or simply kept private by the Mage themselves.
  • Myskylà: a female Guardian Mage
  • Myskylé: a male Guardian Mage
  • Myskylii: Guardian Mages

The Effects of the Elemental Crystals on Ageing

While it is true that a Guardian Mage's responsibility is protecting their Crystal, so too do the Crystals provide certain protections and stability to the Mages.   One common feature of the Sénaqaii (The Elemental Crystals) regardless of Elemental alignment, is that they cause the mage to live far longer than their base race, and to appear younger at the same time.  
Example Age/Appearance Comparisons
This does not mean the mages always look young as youth is still relative. However, Frehghan appeared 88 years old at 553 AFD but was closer to 107, and Jakarrn appeared 75 but was, strikingly, over 200 years old.   Most Guardian Mages do not live past 150, however. Being mortal, they are still prone to illnesses, injury and accidents. So unless they die in combat, their causes of death will be similar to non-mages of Pàrantii race (as all were Paràntii at 553AFD).
Chronicler's Note
The only theory I could find - it is not my own - is a 'reverse' of the rule of Proximity. Jakarrn, being distanced from her Crystal most of the time had fewer occasions to use its full power. Whether that distance was 'thanks' for it, or a rebalancing of energy is unclear.   However, while a Crystal grants power and life, mages must always be aware that using power is draining. So it may be that Jakarrn simply "drained" herself less often. Having exposure to the Sky is also a constant, except on full-cloud days. This may also have worked in her favour.


Maintaining Natural Balance

The primary role of each Guardian Mage is to maintain the natural balance of the Elements from the perspective of their Elemental Crystal. If a forest fire takes hold, the Guardian of Fyrkai - The Crystal of Flame (along with other Guardian Mages) works to halt it. If drought appears a threat, the combination of the Crystal of Waters (to bring rain) and the Crystal of Air (to transport it) will endeavour to prevent it.   Guardian Mages never fully control an Element. They simply influence it - sometimes strongly, at other times subtly. In all things they are to be selfless, taking seriously the responsibility of guarding the Crystal for the benefit of nature and all the peoples within it.  

Advising the King

While they can do much of their work independently without royal consent, the King needs to be informed on-and-off as to the Crystal Circle's activities. Sometimes this is to ensure the King takes appropriate actions such as troop assignment, sending a scout or an envoy and the like. Oftentimes it is simply to remind the ruler of the Realm of the work they were doing and (most critically) that it is in the Realm's best interests that they acted. While it could be argued that their funding was reason enough to report regularly, the Circle's requirements on the Treasury are not all that great.  

Liaising with The Four

Further to their direct contact with the King of Qal'ath, the Guardian Mages also liase with The Four, who are the advisors in all four of the non-mystical "pillars" of Qalathian society. Oftentimes, it is more expedient to meet with One of The Four, than the King himself - and almost always more effective.  


Policy Influence

Being sensitive, as a collective, to all Elements, The Crystal Circle often see the "bigger picture" of the goings on in the Realm of Qal'ath. This allows them to advise the rulers of the Realm as to policies or actions they needed to take to better the conditions of its citizens.  

Border Vigilance

With the invention of The Lens, the "Guardian" part of the title became more literal: watching the borders of Qal'ath for threats to the nation's security. Couple this with their learning and sensitivities, the Guardian Mages are usually the first to report potential threats to the King, especially natural or elemental ones.   ^ Sections
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Key Information
Magical, Professional
Technically the title still exists, but in practice they're just referred to as "one of the Crystal Circle" or simply by name.
Alternative Naming
Crystal Mage, Sénakyl(ii), Myskyl(ii)
Length of Term
From Inheritance (or Bestowal) until Death (or Bestowal)
Reports directly to
Related Locations
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Latest Artwork
Coloured Pencil Drawing © FJ Brodie of The Desolation of the Crystal Vale, a myth in the Chronicles Of Qal'ath Fantasy Fiction writing
The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)

Cover image: by F J Brodie


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