Fyrous ([fɪə:uːz])

What is Fyrous?

Fyrous (or "Fire Water" in the Common Tongue) was a strong drink first concocted in about 493AFD by a small team of Parànti bar- and innkeepers and Elelupi alchemists.  


It was a deep red (or occasionally purple, see "Ingredients") in colour and was comprised of various red berries and either the spicy "Dragon's Tongue" vegetable or Fyrusz Pepper, giving it a kick to rival even the vilest of cheap, strong liquids in the Erdàn Savànii. Most described the drinking experience as a "pleasant burning" sensation.   The first batches were slowly fermented and allowed to mature in disused (but clean) casks. As the drink's popularity grew, however, a need to hasten production had to be devised, which is where the Alchemists came in. As the barkeeps would profit from the drink, so too would the Elelupii reap coin from advice and processing facilities.   Larger-scale production was handled at Natex Farm, far in the West of the Verdant Hills, where much of the Elelupi invention, experimentation and Alchemic research took place.  


Despite the fact that this made Fyrous one of the most expensive drinks in any establishment, even poorer folk were drawn to it. So much so that it was heard of people choosing one small mug of Fyrous rather than two or three flagons of their usual ale or mead.  


As regular ale producers began to worry about demand for their drink suffering as a result of Fire Water, a small number began experiments that combined ale with fyrous. Coloured beer was rare, especially in Qal'ath and Byantē (not so much in Shevezz due to differences in research approaches), so to offer something new was the hope of a fightback against going out of business.  

Mountain Range Confusion?

Was Fyrous ever confused with the Fyrousii mountains? As with most linguistic questions, that depended on context. Undoubtedly sometimes this was true, but the name was called "Fire Water" - an image often employed to describe the melted rock that poured forth from volcanoes.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Creation Date
Raw materials & Components


Water: Options:
  • Aszilousii: to create purple and add a slight salty taste, or
  • Stone-Filtered Water: to retain extra flavours, or
  • Alchemically Purified Water: to remove flavours not inherant in other ingredients.
  • Most Common Bracken Berry (from the Bracken Barrier region)
  • Uncommon Dasan Cherry (from Kingsfall or the Shan da San, hence the name)
  • Rare Cloudberries (found high in the The Forbidden Heights, the Fyrousii mountains and Hohiskàlmàr)
For the "Heat"
  • Dragon's Tongue (found in North Sablesand Dunes) or
  • Fyrusz Pepper (first discovered around Vevé-Rusz, and later transplanted into the field north of Mo-Mo Khro for larger-scale farming).
Cloudberry Out-of-Winter Variety.jpg

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Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

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