IV. Knowledge in Stone

Written by FJ Brodie

I have not done the artwork for this episode yet. It's sketched out, but that's all. I'll update this once I have finished it.

Chapter or Section Divider, based on the emblem of Bezélan

28 Fyrva, 350BFD, 11 Ur 30

Grateful to finally be permitted into the city proper, Y'kàndrà took the chance to slow his pace and, he hoped, calm his mind if only by a little. The previous two days had disappeared in a haze of stress, blood and feathers, which stood in stark contrast to the situation in Shevezz City. People of different races were conversing, waving, bowing and cursing - all milling around, or striding with purpose towards wherever they needed to be. He could hear the occasional growl or caw of different creatures between waves of other everyday sounds.   "It's all so...normal," he muttered in wonder, closing his eyes, "thank the Elements."   The mage looked around him, as though searching for the horizon beyond one of the many black stone buildings. While not ideal this far South, as black materials tended to absorb and retain heat, Shevezz City had been constructed from and built into the Rykorinaz mountains, which were near obsidian in colour. Aside from the grand structures at its centre, the city planners had resisted the usual - and easier - method of 'upwards and outwards', opting instead to delve under the mountains, where staying cool was much easier to achieve. This in turn, Y'kàndrà presumed, would have been beneficial for security, as only citizens or regular visitors would know how many levels the city of Shevezz truly contained and, from that, how large its defence force could be.   It would also give them additional building materials, for their expansion or defences. Potentially trade, depending on what the stone's properties are, he mused.   "Can I help you, friend?" a calm voice asked, interrupting his reverie.   Y'kàndrà turned to see who had addressed him, then frowned in confusion that no one seemed attached to the voice.   "Down here!" the voice instructed, barely containing its amusement.   Embarrassed, Y'kàndrà looked towards his feet and locked eyes with a grinning Elelup, the halfling race that originated in the Verdant Hills, or Bevérohii to use its correct name. She was robed in a pale-blue gown, and wore white, narrow spectacles. A leather-bound tome of some description was tied to her belt, as was a magnifying glass.   "I'm... I am sorry," he apologised, aware he may also have been staring, "I honestly don't know when I last saw someone of your race, no offence."   "Oh, don't be sorry, and no offence was taken, for none was meant," the Elelup chuckled, before reaching up to him with her left hand, "Kiki-Rai," she smiled, "but 'Rai' is fine."   "Greetings Rai, I'm Kanda-Nor, but 'Kanda' is fine," he smirked, "I'm just a new visitor on likely a long-term basis," he explained as he bowed his head and shook her hand.   Releasing her grip, she pondered him for a few seconds and, to Y'kàndrà, it felt as though time had been suspended for many Urs, during which he realised the irises of her eyes were a deep shade of pink. Checking the direction of the sunrise, he confirmed it was not the sunlight causing the tinting either, it being well past dawn.   "No," Rai concluded with a sigh, evidently displeased with herself, "I still cannot translate Shevezzi names."   "It's not strictly Shevezzi," he admitted, feeling free to do so, "and I did say I was a visitor. Besides, you also have a local-sounding name."   "I find it easier that way, what with the Elelupii hardly hailing from the dark mountains around here," she answered curtly, before allowing her former smile to return, "anyway Kanda-Nor, where were you looking for?"   "The library, though I realise now it is likely to be one of many. Specifically, I need one that specialises in geology and meteorology."   Rai checked her bearings, turned to the West and pointed to an ornately-chiselled doorway, atop a low wall. A tree-like sculpture stood in the adjacent garden and, as the sun began to bathe it in its warm glow, it seemed to Y'kàndrà that the "tree" welcomed in the start of a new day in the city.   Y'kàndrà nodded, "thank you," he acknowledged.   "You're welcome!" Rai cheerily responded, "there are only a couple of libraries visitors and new citizens have access to. The rest are on the other levels of the city. Anyhow, while it is nearly mid-day, due to the mountains around here, the true midday sun is in two hours time. The heat can stick around a long time after that. So, stay hydrated, now."   "And you," the mage smiled kindly.   He half bowed, and she turned smartly on her heels and made for a flatter, blocky-looking building to the South.   Navigating here will be fine after a few days, he thought, they have designed most of it along, or against, straight lines. Whether I become accustomed to formalities around here is an entirely different question.   While he had been a tutor in his former Academy, Y'kàndrà had attracted a following for his Elemental knowledge. His relaxed approach to tutoring, in both language and dress code, had made him a favourite among the students, but decidedly unpopular with his colleagues. Not one to intentionally attract attention to himself, the mage had not set out trying to change the culture of the Academy. He had simply devoted his attention to studying and teaching, to the exclusion of almost everything else, especially formalities.   It had only been in recent years, when he wanted to expand his magecraft capabilities, majoring on the Elemental arts, that fieldwork became not merely ideal, but essential. Thus he had left the Academy. He had set off alone on that occasion too.   Y'kàndrà sighed and contemplated the manner and demeanour of the Elelup Rai and how others comported themselves as they walked between buildings.   Right, Kanda, he told himself, I guess the Shevezzi way is to stride purposefully towards your destination. Which I can do, now I know where, an erdàn, that is.   He had come to the stone city for knowledge. Having been warned about the undulations of the local temperatures, he made his way towards the library, glad he could sit out his first midday heat in the shaded protection of their archives. If there was one thing he knew about libraries it was that, no matter where you found them, they would always be well-tended.   "And, depending on their nature, well-protected too," he muttered with a grimace, "logical and reasonable. Thankfully, my first step depends only on general information. Let's go and see about gaining access, then."

In future episodes, Y'kàndrà will be referred to as "Kanda" or "Kanda-Nor" within the storytelling as well as the dialogue.
His "real" name will only be used when that is required.

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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Coloured Pencil Drawing © FJ Brodie of The Desolation of the Crystal Vale, a myth in the Chronicles Of Qal'ath Fantasy Fiction writing
The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)


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