Kyjushii ([kI:ʒu:ʃi:])

Kyjushii are specially bred and trained "Battle Cats" unique to Qal'ath's military. No similar use of feline species was employed by the surrounding nations for warfare or defence.  

The Meaning of the Name

The term Kyjushii is, in fact, Qalafoy. Historically they were called Kyruszii, meaning "Red Cats". But, following the Foyiitùn Language Ban Edict they were renamed Kyjushii.   The term still refers to "Red Cats" though, as already stated, "Battle Cats" was also in common circulation, especially from Carnael II and the Royal Guards.  

Singular Terminology

Qal'ath continued to use ii to indicate plurality in many cases, but for ease often reduced this to one "i" to denote singularity. Therefore the singular form is Kyjushi. This contrasts with Foyiitùn where, depending on whichever word followed it, the singular form is either Kyrusz or Ruszky.  


Kyjushii do not exist outside of Qal'ath, by virtue of the fact they were specially created. However, the species shares a few origins as a result of the experimentation in their breeding over the years. They have elements (with a small 'e') from the following feline (or Kyii) species:  
Combined Bloodlines
The short-haired, orange-furred stalkers of Sablesand Dunes.   Fire-Fang: (or Dònpìky)
Possessing redder fur and roamed the mountains around the Great Canyon, especially near the Pekinous Anfyr active volcano.   Aszilmàrii:
These cats are known to live and hunt in the coldest of climes. Their name stems from the colour of their eyes (blue), which was often the only aspect of their appearance you might see. The rest of their fur and claws had adapted to the colour of snow as camouflage.
Their Aim
In combining these species, the Alchemists had hoped to create a short-haired red cat that could survive in both hot and cold weather. And, while the extremes have yet to be tested, they have more or less achieved that goal. Though the earliest kittens reminded them that experiments involved error, with many being born with very long fur.




While bred to be violent, and subdued enough not to attack their keepers, Kyjushii were not aggressive by nature - nor all of the time. Using an enhanced sense of smell, they could detect urgency or anger in their keepers and, effectively, "fed" off those feelings. But among its own kind - and anyone else that gained its trust (or obedience) they could be gentle and playful.   Thus, except during training, a visitor to Bezélan would only be aware of beautiful red-furred cats being used as mounts during a patrol or ceremony and would be left otherwise unaware of its battle capabilities.


As the Alchemists and breeders over the years combined different breeds of cats to achieve the desired outcome, the length of fur from one Kyjushi to the next varied. Many were short-haired cats, preferred for their speed and ease of cleaning and wound-treating. As the reader will have gathered, their fur was red, which could range from a muddy, blood-red to the bright "rainbow red".


As well as the striking fur colour, many Kyjushii's eyes were also red. While this in itself did not denote the cats' temperaments, it nevertheless added to the scare factor intended in their use. Other eye colours were yellow, white and a double-rim of yellow and pale blue. As no colour seemed to affect capability or performance, it was never a source of further testing.   The red eye feature was never an aim of the Bezélan Alchemists anyway, but those that possessed that feature were usually assigned to high ranking officers.

Teeth and Claws

Kyjushii were not magical creatures, therefore their strengths were inherited from their wild ancestors, with their primary weapons being their sharp fangs and claws. While they were trained to be violent, they also had to be conditioned not to turn that viciousness on their masters, which has, naturally, led to the death of some trainers and warriors-to-be in the past.


The true effect of employing the Kyjushii in a battle, or emergency response, was in their land speed, jumping distance and obvious, powerful muscles. These strengths were able to take an enemy aback, giving Qal'ath the surprise advantage, however briefly it lasted.


While only those of Captain and above were authorised to use the Kyjushii, the Royal Guards and Carnael II were issued with licenses for "Alpha Keys". While no more aggressive than non-Alphas, they were much larger and stronger, and had two large, downwards-pointing fangs, smaller but similar to those of the @Sabre-Fangs known to roam around Frostplain.   The Alphas' height enabled key commanders, and the King, to watch over the battle from a better vantage point, as well as making it obvious who was in charge of the military.   All Alphas were short-haired, and any inheriting longer fur had it trimmed on an almost daily basis.
Alpha Kyjushii

Article Sections
Scientific Name
Kyii (Pronounced 'kee' or 'ky-ee')
22 Ana

Used By Realm
Elemental Alignment
Erdé (Passive)
Meats, Poultry
Bezélan, at the Kyjushii Training Grounds, just inside Faiqal Gates

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Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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