Bezélan ([bez:el:æn])

Bezélan is the capital city of the Realm of Qal'ath.  

The Meaning of the Name

Although the Realm is known as a "Walled City", in reality it does not have a wall around it. That is reserved for its capital Bezélan. The name is derived from Foyiitùn (Foyiitùn - the Language of the Woodsmen) to roughly equate to ‘the place of points’ (Be = place, an = of, zel = point).   Various rulers were dissatisfied with the vagueness of the City’s name, but were also reluctant to change it. Thus it was that Qal'ath was often used interchangeably with Bezélan when referring to the Capital.  

Major and Minor

The Capital is divided between the city "proper" and Bezélan Minor, which is also a reflection of the societal imbalance prevalent within King Carnael's realm.  

Bezélan Minor

where the poorest of the population eke out an existence. It was created due to overpopulation of the city, where those of low-standing had already been pushed to the East in the district of Ragged Row. When the time came to extend the Capital on the opposite side of Lake Paxeux, it was these folk who inhabited it.   Despite its name, Minor's Eastgate was an obvious way into the Capital, whether one approached it from the Militia Camp or by cutting across Natai Fields.        

"Major" by Nature

While not referred to in this way in the original city, Bezélan "Major" was often used informally between citizens to distinguish between the two districts.  

City Design

Bezélan "Major" is a basic concentric castle atop a cliff, consisting of three "circles".  

Outer Walls

Aside from the curved walls that bordered the Blànousii River on the West, the Aszilousii River (which runs into Lake Paxeux) on the East and the Honour Guards settlement in the North, all other walls are angular. Its corners are situated at the South, South East, North East (roughly) and North West, each with its own guard tower.  

First and Second Circles

The outside "circle" is mostly civilian population except for the training of hounds and cats. The second "circle" features the lush Pyskii Lawns and Pavillion and the private vineyard of the King. Also here are the Public Court and the Kaal-Navia jail along with the healing buildings of Elemental Binding with its own gardens.  

The Inner Circle

The ruler of Qal'ath rules from Saf-Athan Palace in the central circle of Bezélan. That "inner circle" is also where the army often congregates to be given orders or to hear a speech by the King. Interestingly, the Bezélian Archives is also closely guarded there.

City Map

Bezélan City
A detailed map of Bezélan "Major".
  Article Sections ↑

Areas Inside Bezélan

A longer list is available under "included locations". However, areas of note are:  

Nearby Locations

Article Sections


  • Bezélan City
    A detailed map of Bezélan "Major".
Former Names
An'bézel (of the Aevyormii)
See: Fallen Down of Nectar Glen
Founding Date
c 345BFD
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

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Coloured Pencil Drawing © FJ Brodie of The Desolation of the Crystal Vale, a myth in the Chronicles Of Qal'ath Fantasy Fiction writing
The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)


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