
Linking is a term to define the process of one person joining with another to facilitate communications through the mind. While it has been filed under Spells, Linking is more of a procedure than an incantation.  

How Was Linking Achieved?

Chronicler's Note:
Link and Linking in this context always have a capital 'L'
  Any Mage worthy of the name can link with another of like mind. This is a key part of the process: Linking in its purest form cannot be used to invade the mind of an unwilling subject. Its aim is to open a two-way communication channel.   However, the more powerful the Mages - or the artefacts used to channel this process - the clearer the Link and the longer it could be sustained.  

Facilitating a Link

For The Crystal Circle, Linking firstly involves setting a day and time to "meet". Both also need to know roughly where the other will be. Focusing on their Elemental Crystal, they then "reach out" through their Element, to the other person who should, if everything goes according to plan, be doing the same. These invisible "Focus Lines" then join together, forming a Link.  

What is Linking Communication Like?

There are two forms: audible and visual.  


The first form is the one initially taught to adepts and is similar to long-range telepathy. What marks Linking as different to telepathy is that either Mage could choose to use their voice or mind in the communication.
Chronicler's Note:
From what I gather, most Mages have preferred to use their voice instead of their mind. One reason is to enable others nearby to understand one side of the conversation. The other is, as I quote a document pre-Founding

"The Voice wanders less than the Mind."


A particularly strong Link opens up a "visual portal" between two minds, allowing the Linked Mages to see the facial expressions of one another, while also still hearing what was being said. More than that, it usually permitted a very limited peek at where the other was. The range was only about five to seven handspans radius around and above them, but that was sufficient to assess lighting, weather, comfort and more.   The Crystal Circle used this method frequently, especially when on urgent business, as said tasks often prevented them from meeting in person.  

The Crystal Circle & Linking

The Crystal Circle had formed their own type of Linking, one they used when Four or more Elemental Crystals were in close proximity.
Crystal Circle Emblem by F J Brodie
This caused the Crystals present to Link and create a visible, web-like, shimmering "net" to appear. Each Crystal would link with all the others, hence the "web-like" description, and how the symbol used to represent the Circle was designed.   Once that was set, all the Mages could combine their strengths and exert greater influence over the natural Elements, or have greater power in whatever duty they were undertaking.   The Crystals themselves sustained this Link, leaving the Circle Mages free to focus on the task at hand.  



Almost Complete Focus

While it is theoretically possible to "keep a Link" open while one or both Mages perform other things, usually one or other suffers in the attempt. Either the Link fails, or the Mage's ability to carry out a task is lessened. Thus, ideally, a Link should only be created when one or both Mages are stationary and uninterruptible.   See the side of this document about "open links".  

One-Sided for Witnesses

It should be stressed that only those Mages in the Link can hear the "other person". Therefore any bystanders, or, in the case of The Crystal Circle, the Mage sat with the Linking Mage for their own safety, could only hear what was being said by whoever was physically near them.   Moreover, Linking Mages cannot, except in extremely rare circumstances, communicate with those outside the Link. In this aspect it cannot be used for communal communications.  

Mentally and Elementally Draining

The requirement to sustain a Link is exhausting, even for highly skilled Mages. Thus is it rarely taught to Apprentices and left until Apprentices have become Adepts. Were a "surprise link" initiated with one untrained (but still willing), the strain would likely result in unconsciousness for a time.   The longer the Link was sustained - and the greater the distance between Linked Mages - the more draining it was. Thus it was to be treated with care and respect, especially by Elemental Mages, to lower their risk of Elemental Essence Degradation.
"Linking should be intentional, purposeful and limited. All Mages should be aware of their capacity boundaries, and Elemental Mages more than all other classifications. To treat Linking as a casual communication method is to sign one's own mystical death penalty - and potentially - one's physical death."   Joining of Minds: a Study
Jakarrn, 548AFD
Article Sections
Incantation Type
Initiation Time
Various, with a minimum of one minute required in most cases
Elemental Alignment
Skill Level
Adept to Master
Elemental Essence Degradation, or "personal resource siphoning" for non-Elemental Mages
Open Links
A Link may be left open for a time, but only if using a primary Elemental Crystal or a genuine Shard. This is facilitated as the Crystal (or Shard) sustains the link, permitting those involved in it a pause, say, to take food or water.   Opening a Link and leaving it open is used where a Link is required prior to taking an action, where such action must occur at a set point in time. This removes the variable of "initiation time" (or channel time).   However, open Links should not, in most cases, be left for hours as even the Elemental Crystals require regeneration time. Leaving a link for too long has a chance of weakening the Mage's capability - and communication - once the Link is fully restored.

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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Latest Artwork
Coloured Pencil Drawing © FJ Brodie of The Desolation of the Crystal Vale, a myth in the Chronicles Of Qal'ath Fantasy Fiction writing
The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)


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Mar 29, 2023 10:38 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Really interesting article. I love the level of detail you have put into the limitations of the Linking, as well as its potential consequences. I really like the quote you chose too, and the interjections from the Chronicler.

Apr 1, 2023 13:13 by F. J. Brodie

Hey, sorry for the delay in replying (it's been a weird week) - but thank you for your comments!

F. J. Brodie Writing The Chronicles of Qal'ath, doing my own artwork and fighting chronic pain.