Rzarchprl ([ʒa:çpRl])

The Rzarchprl was a weapon of Kyadii origin and invention. While in the shape of a short walking-pole, it was a deadly weapon for relentlessly tearing at any foe. Though double-ended, it was short- and light enough to be held in one paw, leaving the other for clawing, balance or another weapon. How any one Kyadd fought could vary drastically between individuals.  

The Ends

At one end was a simple (usually) metal blade, which would be sharpened almost every day. At the other was a cruel combination of whatever sharp items the Kyadii could scavenge. While sometimes actual metal razorblades could be employed, small stone shards, teeth, bones, claws - all these would suffice. With this end, a Kyadd could cause torturous slow bleeds, or blind an enemy before the final kill. Due to their composition, this end required regular replacement. As the clans had to hunt each day for food, however, supply of such items was never short.  

Not Always a Weapon of Total Destruction

In warfare - and sometimes even in hunting for food (fresher meat is better) - capture is preferable to killing outright. In this case, or in the hands of a more merciful Kyadd, the jagged end of the Rzarchprl could be used to cripple a foe instead. Some were known to pass out due to the pain caused by the weapon, making it easy to take the adversary captive.   So, while brutal, the weapon's actual power lay in its wielder, making it a confusing encounter for anyone faced by a Rzarchprl-wielding Kyadd.  

Which Clans Used the Rzarchprl?

This particular model was found almost uniquely in Sablesand Dunes (the Parrtrof Teeg Clan). Though desert hunting was hardly an easy experience, Sablesand Dunes was home to a wide variety of fauna that had developed a hardiness to the intense heat and freezing nights.   The northern Kyadii (Deenfeiss Leen) always struggled with finding food sources. So, once animals were hunted for food, almost every part of the carcass would be used for the priorities of survival. The items used by the Sablesand Kyadii, therefore, would go into making armour, or used as flint for starting fires, or enchanted jewellery for shielding or stealth. For this reason, though a type of Rzarchprl has been found among the Deenfeiss Kyadii, it was much simpler in design.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Related ethnicities
Common among Sablesand Dunes Kyadii, rare elsewhere. If found in the possession of a non-Kyadii, it was stolen or taken from felled Kyadd.

Read Other Works:

Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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Latest Artwork
Coloured Pencil Drawing © FJ Brodie of The Desolation of the Crystal Vale, a myth in the Chronicles Of Qal'ath Fantasy Fiction writing
The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)

Cover image: Rzarchprl by FJ Brodie, Desert Photo Public Domain


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