Seer ([sɪə])

A Seer was a generic term used by various cultures to describe one with the ability to discern, divine or predict with proved historical record, the likely events of the future.   Both within the Foyii / Woodsmen and the Wild Folk, it was expected that the Chief also had the gift of the Seer.  

Current Chiefs with Seers

  1. Ki-E-Vwa of the Foyii / Woodsmen at Everspring
  2. Pyotr of the Wild Folk at Khef'em Nysz


As stated above, the only requirements were really a proven track record of relative accuracy. So, although (neither in Foyii / Woodsmen culture, nor among the Wild Folk) age was not a measure of one's worth as a Seer, it was unlikely a child will have had sufficient time to build such a record.   The nature of both these cultures meant that neither gender was favoured over the other. Among the Wild Folk, the race may also be Paràntii or any other who had chosen to live and work with them. Non-Paràntii were rare within Foyii / Woodsmen communities, though.


A clan may have only one, or a maximum of two Seers. Thus, until one passed from their lives, or became too ill to perform their duties, no other was sought for the position. However, as each prospective Seer had to "prove themselves", the longer a current Seer lived, the more of a reputation they could gain in understanding and demonstrating their skill.   As the gift of the Seer was also rare, competition for that space, when it did become vacant, almost never happened.   Once a current Seer was removed, by death or illness, most within the clan would have recognised the prospective Seer and so they assumed the position with little or no ceremony.
Magical, Honorific
Form of Address
Alternative Naming
Equates to
There is no other equivalent in cultures that shunned, or outright banned, mystical practices.
Source of Authority
Related Locations
Related Organizations

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Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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The Desolation of the Crystal Vale by FJ Brodie (Me)


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