
Wing-heal (or heal-wing) is a wordless incantation used only by Great Hawks, or other birds with an especially-acute Aevyen alignment.   Though Hawks can, and do, "speak" into the minds of those connected, or Linked to them, this spell is an ability or skill, but loosely classified as an incantation. This is because, in the past, Mages have attempted to absorb it into their own healing capabilities.  

Foyiitùn Name

Thus, it also has the Foyiitùn name of: Aillèn-randùs (Wings-Heals).
  • Aillèn: Wings, or Winged. The Great Hawks themselves are the Aillànté.
  • Randùs: from: ren- meaning 'un' and 'andùsz' meaning 'to break'. Therefore literally to 'unbreak'. This verb is used in the plural third-person, given most winged being possess at least two wings.
  The "spell" may also be rendered randùsaill, or any other bolà form that does not clash with pre-existing terms.  

The Healing of the Hawks

It is said that the power of Hawks lies in its feathers. Whether that is true, half-true, or untruth has not been recorded. Nevertheless, when a Great Hawk does heal someone a feather is always required.   Some birds possess the ability to choose to drop a feather at will. This may happen for practical reasons, such as a damaged feather, or if some other impurity cannot be washed off. Some choose to drop multiple feathers as a sign of grief if a fellow bird, or its rider, passes on.  

The Feather of Healing

In relation to healing, in all witnessed cases, the Hawk expels a feather, usually causing mild pain. This it catches in its beak, and permits no other being to touch it. Sometimes stretching its wings, other times not, the bird touches the patient with their feather, and appears to breathe on the patient - whether in their entirety or over an affected body area. Once satisfied they have healed all they can, usually the feather is given as a gift to their patient, or another worthy recipient nearby.   The debate over a feather's power boils down to whether it has innate power, is used as a conduit for the Hawk's magicks, or is simply a personal sacrifice and a gentle touch demonstrating care for the afflicted.  

Lost Feathers?

A Hawk-feather is never intentionally left abandoned. If multiple feathers are "lost", using the grief cause above, these are either used in nests, or given to the Foyblànii for armour, bedding or weaponry. Occasionally, these may be used as jewellery, but being an extravagance, this was rare.

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Fallen Down of Nectar Glen

Skirmishes and Schisms

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