Asbrook Settlement in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Asbrook (Az-brook)

Asbrook is a small town south of Sequine, and east of the Aasimar capital of Andel. Primarily a lumber town, shipping lumber to other settlements and to the eastern port towns.


Mostly human, elves and tabaxi. A few dwarves and dragonborn. The majority of the settlement are martial classes, with the rare arcane user and divine spellcaster. Few druids.


Mayor Izabella Leafsinger, female tabaxi, runs the city. She is protective of the inhabitants and has a short temper.


  • Ferron's Legacy Temple - Run by the paladin Puaba, this local office is a part of the larger Ferron's Legacy founded by the clerics and paladins that were teleported here from Qilorria before the great disaster. The temple grounds are kept by Duzina, a female dwarf.
  • Owlbear Guard - Founded by Ninhurs, a special regiment of owlbears were trained to help the defend the town should the need ever arise. These owlbears have special barracks with their trainers just outside the Mill.

Industry & Trade

  • Asbrook Mill - Primary operating lumber mill for the continent with over 100 employees and run by the female dwarf Ninhurs. The stand out aspect of this operation is that much of the manual labor of moving logs and other equipment is done by domesticated owlbears. In the main office, Vovric, a male dwarf, runs the day to day operations and paperwork for the company. Slightly overworked, Vovric is typically disheveled and tired looking. A large and very old owlbear sleeps layzily near the fireplace of the office.


To the west of town lies a small amount farm land, mainly meant to keep the inhabitants sustained. A road to the northwest connects directly to Sequine, while the road to the south eventually connects to the eastern coast and port cities where much of the lumber harvested in Asbrook to shipped to by long carts.


The town is broken up into 3 sections: The Farmlands, the Main Street, and the Residential Circle.  
  • The Farmlands - contains a small collection of homes on the far outskirts of the "town" proper. The farthest of which lies about a 30 minute walk from Main Street. The families who live here tend to stay away from the main town and only travel into town to sell their crops and purchase things they need. These folks are the mostly likely to run into the more wild creatures of the world.
  • Main Hub - contains multiple shops and stores, as well as the main loading dock area for lumber onto large long carts being pulled by owlbears. A medium sized general store, specializing in potions and cutting equipment. Other shops include small blacksmiths, tailors and stables. The largest establishments are the tavern and the inn, located just a block from the lumber yard.
  • Residential Circle - A large area dedicated to the residents of Asbrook. Most buildings are apartment style homes in this town to save space, though a few larger homes do exist in this area as well, especially for the more important individuals in town. A large central park is the centerpiece of this area.


  • Airy Wares - General store of Asbrook, and run by the Air Genasi Aster. Typically carries potions of many kinds, along with lumber and survival supplies. Recently hired Salazar Snakehands, a large 13 foot constrictor snake that has been enchanted to be able to control up to 100 mage hands.
  • Stone Hammer - Main smithy for the town. Run by Sidi and her brother Kokesh, both copper dragonborn smiths.
  • The Lazy Owlbear - Main tavern of Asbrook and owned by Derrin who also is the head chef, a short and rotund human male. Derrin employs two barmaids/prep cooks named Dhelia (female human) and Starshine (female tabaxi). The inn is a fairly large establishment meant to cater to up to 30 patrons at a time.
  • The Loggers Den - Largest and primary inn for the town of Asbrook. Owned and operated by the seemingly always tired or hungry Lettee, a small female gnome. Rates are comperable to most other small town inns, and accomodations are fairly average.
  • Stables - Just on the edge of the southern exit of the town, a set of stables are set up for anyone to use at a small price. The stables are run by a female centaur named Ampala.
  • The Carved Trinket - Run by human male Caleb. Caleb carries fairly basic jewelry, crafted from a local assortment of wood and previous stones.
  • Butcher Shop - Run by a female elf named Alen. Fairly basic butcher who is also known to be a talented huntsman.
  • Fresh For You - Decent sized bakery, run by a human male, James. Fairly popular location at least once a week as the citizens of the town flock to this location to secure James' freshly baked and specially seasoned bread.
  • Market Stalls - Multiple shops move in and out of here as traveling merchants come and go along thier journey's.

Guilds and Factions

  • Arbiter's Guild - Worldwide organization for monster hunting and general hiring of mercenaries and adventurers. Moira Beaumont, a human female, is the local head of the guild. Moira is helpful and sincere.


The city of Asbrook was founded by the dwarf Amisun in 270 ANW. Amisun founded the town due to its location to a dense forest that could supply multiple cities with much needed lumber. The town legend is that Amisun was cutting lumber in the nearby forest when he discovered 3 owlbear pups, recently made orphans by a local Behir. Amisun found and slayed the Behir, and adopted the owlbears as his own. Over time, he domesticated the owlbears and used them to build up the town and his lumber business.


Covering a mostly flat area of land just south of a large forest. Nearby trees have been cut down for the local mill, but many has also bee replanted for future generations. To the west is a large desert, so every so often a small sandstorm is possible though it usually does not last long.

Natural Resources

Primarily both hard and soft woods. Very rarely, small groves of Spiritual Wood can be found growing among the main trees of the forest.
Spiritual wood
Uncommon Material
This cyan-like wood has a natural connection with the magic. Unit value: 250 gp
Armor: Replaces the metal of any medium or heavy armor. While wearing an spiritual wood armor, you have advantage on concentration checks to maintain a spell.
Weapon: When you hit a creature with a weapon made completely with spiritual wood, you deal an extra 1d4 force damage. You can use a spiritual wood weapon as an arcane focus.


  • Asbrook
Founding Date
268 ANW
Characters in Location
Nearby Rare Materials


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