Ferron's Legacy

Primarily consisting of Divine spellcasters such as Paladin's and Cleric's. Ferron's Legacy members tend to be law makers, sherrifs and deputies.


Ferron's Legacy is broken up into levels based on the experience of the individual, and ranks are promoted by a consensus of those ranked above the individual or thier peers in some cases.  
  • Chronin - These are masters of the divine rights and powerful divine spell casters. Few reach this level but those that do are welcome as they will be the ones to bring more into the fold.
  • Zuetian - These members have traveled much of the world, experienced a great deal and done their best to help those in need, or defend those who cannot defend themselves. Zeutians will typically take on a Hermemon as a learner, to pass on the knowledge they have accrued over their years of service to the Legacy.
  • Hermenon - These members of the Legacy have graduated from their studies and are meant to travel the world and assist the people as best they can. Many will directly report to a Zuetian that they have been assigned to, or even travel with one to learn directly from a more experienced member of the Legacy.
  • Athenite - Younglings or new recruits to the Legacy. These initiates are just learning the ways of the Legacy and must spend their time studying and practicing divine rights.

Currently, the leader of the Legacy is a Chronin named Creev Paltyne at Ferron's Cathedral of Hope. He has been the leader for the last 70 years.



Members of Ferron's Legacy are taught from a very young age to learn everything they can about the world, but also to help all those who cannot help themselves. The Legacy sees themselves as protectors and teachers to the people, even when they are not wanted. Slightly arrogant in their ideals, but they tend to back up their words with actions.   Children are recruited at a very young age, usually given up by their families after displaying signs of strong divine connections. Many families do not want to part with their children, but the members of the Legacy are very convincing, and eventually, all families relinquish their loved ones for a life within the Legacy. Older practitioners of divine faiths are also welcome to join the Legacy after taking tests and interviews to ensure a good fit.   The early years of training are very tough, divided between study of a divine god, and rough military training to ensure the Athenite can defend themselves. Days are very long and most younglings are exhausted after every day of training. The Legacy believes this hardens the recruits and ensures they can take care of themselves when they reach the rank of Hermenon.   Legacy members gravitate toward town and city guard roles, ensuring the peace among the people. Many still wield the weapons they trained with growing up, but a larger and larger population of Legacy members have been adopting firearms as a means of ranged combat and at times, intimidation.


Ferron's Legacy own temples in most major towns and cities. These temples typically are also meant as grounds for local graveyards since they concecrate the ground their temples are on, preventing necromancers from defiling the graves.   The Legacy's largest temple and central location is in the Port of Havengar.


Ferron's Legacy was founded by the great Ferron of Wintersbite. Ferron was a powerful paladin when the new world suddenly appeared in the sky in 1 ANW. This new world sparked excitement and adventure in many of the people on Qilorria and Ferron used this to draw in other divine spellcasters to his belief that they could help reach this new world by pure divine means.   Over the next few years, Ferron built a town where divine spellcaster could congregate and plan a way to get to the new world. The people started to call this place Ferron's Shield. It was located in the northern, snow covered mountains of Qilorria.   Over the next 40 years, Ferron and the other members of his order found they could use their divine power to project themselves over great distances. These astral projections were far more powerful that typical spells could muster, and would allow them to fully interact with their surroundings while projected as if they were truely there. The only problem was that their physical bodies would stay behind and would need protecting and daily care. Clerics were assigned to care for any who projected themselves, and together, the members of the order were able to project themselves all the way to the new world, by then named Adghal'Un. Ferron's Shield became a bastion, with high walls and a divine weapons safe guarding the members within.   The members of the order that projected themselves to the new world suddenly found themselves standing in the middle of a wasteland. They eventually discovered that unlike the other groups making their way to the new world, the members of Ferron's order were on the northern continent. Here the environment was harsh, and the locals were anything but friendly.   Within a few months of building a settlement, the members of the order were attacked by a group of feral humanoids who called themselves the Locus. They were subsurface swelling creatures, evil in nature and vicious in combat. The members of Ferron's order waged war against these creatures for many years, working to prevent them from expanding to other parts of Adghal'Un.   One day in the year 205 ANW, there was a sudden attack on Ferron's Shield. The attack came without notice, and the army that appeared before the walls was thought to be impossible... the Locus had somehow made their way to Qilorria and were looking to strike at the heart of the order. A battle wages in the northern lands, rarely spilling into other areas of Qilorria. Soon, a threat neither of them knew about would make this entire war pointless...   In 210 ANW, word spread that a massive asteroid had been hurdled toward Qilorria, and that the world would soon be destroyed. Members of the order decided to gather as many as they could and pay a few powerful wizards to reactivate a massive and ancient teleportation circle they found hidden in the mountains near Ferron's Shield. They used this circle to teleport most members of the order, along with many other refugees on to Adghal'Un, and this time on the southern continents.   From that moment on, with the ultimate destruction of Ferron's Shield, the members of the order renamed themselves Ferron's Legacy, and vowed not to be pulled into a massive war that took them away from their ultimate duty of protecting the people of the world.

There can be no peace until after war. There must be compassion, not selfishness. Knowledge is earned, ignorance is a choice.

Chronin Commander Creev Paltyne

Typical Town Temple Layout
Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Ferron's Shield, Ferron's Order, The Legacy, The Order
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories


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