Kaguani Species in Qinla'Un | World Anvil


Lemurfolk who live in the Endless Roots.

TOB 271

Kaguani (Lemurfolk)

Indigineous to the Region - The Endless Roots, and most populous near the aptly named Kaguani Peaks. Large treetop villages exist all around the jungles near and on the mountains.
ability score increase: +2 Dex
age: 60-80 years
alignment: Neutral
Size: Small
speed: walking 20 ft., climb 10 ft., flying 40 ft.
Languages: Common, Lemurfolk
race features:
Ability Score Increase - +2 Dex, (Alternatively, any player may chose any single +2 or two +1 to attributes of thier choice) Age - Kaguani live shorter lives in comparison to humans, with most livng 60-80 years on average. Size - Small, most are 2-3 feet tall at most, with an average of about 2 feet. Speed - Walking speed 20 feet. Kaguani use thier climb speed 10 ft. to get higher up and then fly 40 ft. Senses - Darkvision 60 ft.
Silent Glide - The lemurfolk can glide for 1 minute, making almost no sound. It gains a fly speed of 40 feet, and it must move at least 20 feet on its turn to keep flying. A gliding lemurfolk has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.


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