Region - The Endless Roots Geographic Location in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Region - The Endless Roots

The Endless Roots stretch from the northeastern tip of the Western Continent of Qinla'Un, to its southeastern most tip. The jungle is dense, in some parts very dark, and filled with life and old ruins from civilizations past.


The Endless Roots are called this for a reason, as they stretch from the north shore to the south shore of the western continent of Qinla'Un. This region is almost entirely made of dense, humid jungles. A few smaller mountain ranges rise out of the dense canopy, along with a few large rocky spires in some areas. Drakkon Lake is the largest fresh water source in the region.
  The northern half of the region is less dense overall, but the deeper into the jungle you go from the main roads, the more thick the canopy becomes and the sun reaches the ground level far less. A few mountains can be seen south of Sequine, while just northeast of the city there lies a massive sucken valley, filled with bamboo trees and large beasts. Drakkon Lake can be found here as well, a very large fresh water lake that is said to be many fathoms deep. To the west, massive cliffs separate this region from the nearby Tempest Wastelands and Desolate Hills. The northern half of this region itself sits on a higher elevation plateu, resulting is the less dense foliage. On the east coast, the port town of Great Step Harbor can be found.   The central part of this region includes a large pine forest that dominated over the surrounding jungle for unknown reasons. The trees here seem to grow at an accelerated rate, thus leading to a large logging facitily being founded in Asbrook. The eastern half of this area consists of the so called Canopy Peaks, a massive series of rock spires that tower above the jungle canopy, many over 200 feet tall. Navigation through this area can be very difficult as the combination of denser jungle and large rock formations causes confusion among travelers. Along the east coast, the port town of Devil Shark Landing can be found.
  The southern region is much denser than even the central area, and populations and infrastructure are nearly non-existant. Most travelers are encouraged to travel by boat through the rivers as few roads have been able to be constructed. Those who have traveled through this area report small cities of ruins from unknown civilization, likely one that died out within the last thousand years.

Localized Phenomena

Heavy rainfalls are a common occurrence in this region thanks to the massive jungle rainforest. Travelers should be prepared for this and seek shelter should thunderstorms arise as they commonly cause flash floods. Roads have been built on raised soil to help prevent them from eroding away when these flash floods occur, though damage can often be found after the summer season of heavy rainfall.


Typically, this region has quite high tempuratures and humidity, as with most jungle environments.

Natural Resources

Darkwood - This piece of wood is as hard as normal wood but very light.
Spiritual Wood - This cyan-like wood can be collected from trees that grow deep in old forests that have a natural connection with magic.


Only 300 years ago, the Endless Roots were almost completely unexplored by travelers from Qilorria. The arrival of Sequine in 208 ANW led to a surge of refugees to the northern half of the region, where most of the towns and ports eventually came to be. It was well known that local roaming tribes had explored the region extensively, so many were recruited by travelers to guide them through the dense jungles and help identify the best routes for road construction to ensure quick travel for others in the future.


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